Tell Him He’s Dreamin’
Chris Hipkins is delusional. Most Kiwis see him as the ugly face of the Ardern regime, the guy who presided over multiple debacles in Health, Education, Police and Covid. Claiming his caucus backs him is fanciful.

How Long Has Chippy Got?
The latest Taxpayers’ Union/Curia Poll spells danger for Chris Hipkins as Labour languishes in the polls.

Bless, Paddy Thinks Hugs Will Fix Wellington
Patrick Gower likes to think he is the go-to man for fixing all sorts of problems but it is highly unlikely he can fix Wellington with hugs.

A Good Minister Attacked by Media for Backing His Staff
Yet another attack on Winston Peters from the media luvvies, but this time it’s a non-story they are beating up

Darleen Tana Is Dismantling the Greens, and It’s Awesome
As predicted Darleen Tana is slowly dismantling the previous impervious aura of The Greens

Face of the Day
Born in Australia, Malcolm moved to New Zealand as a child and attended Wellington College where his classmates nicknamed him “Aussie”. The name stuck with him his whole life.

Good Grief, What on Earth For?
The Government has decided to enter the so-called AI space, but bizarrely chose the name of an existing organisation.

The Deliberate Anti-Semitism of ChatGPT
Over the months since Hamas invaded and attacked civilians in Israel, killing more than 1200 people and taking over 200 hostages, I’ve noticed a suppression of details of these attacks and the ongoing conflict in ChatGPT. Today I prove it is deliberate.

The Gun Register Is Going to Fail
This story from last weekend will show you precisely how the gun register will fail. It’s an eye opener into what is in effect a clown show.