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Cam Slater

Cam Slater doesn’t do quiet and, as a result, he is a polarising, controversial but highly effective journalist who takes no prisoners. Love him or loathe him, you can’t ignore him.

Latest Poll: Government Steady, Greens Down

Latest Poll: Government Steady, Greens Down

On current polling the Government is steady, and, while the Greens have slipped, the next poll could be interesting after NZ First and National effectively signalled the death of ACT's Treaty Principles Bill.

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1NEWS Carries Water for Chris Cahill

1NEWS Carries Water for Chris Cahill

1News continues to push the Police Association’s agenda against Nicole McKee. It is a farcical argument, but it seems it is growing legs as the police union boss comes under fire for his botched police pay negotiations.

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Replay Radio – The Crunch

Replay Radio – The Crunch

Cam speaks with guests "Gareth" about his special visit from Police and Hugh Devereaux-Mack about the appalling attack on Nicole McKee byt Chris Cahill.

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Looks Like Luxon Got One Right

Looks Like Luxon Got One Right

Normally he has tits for hands but on this issue Christopher Luxon has the right of it. Naturally the opposition banshees are squawking: a sure fire way of knowing he’s right over the target.

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