Christopher, You Know Denial Is a River in Egypt, Right
‘It's not what we’re seeing’: PM Luxon on poll showing hung parliament.
Faces of the Day
The changes will enable Aucklanders to influence the transport decisions that affect their daily lives.
You Can Be a Straw Buyer If You’re a Cop
An unbelievable story of police incompetence and butt covering to protect their own.
It Must Be a Huge Amount
KiwiRail are trying to keep a consultancy bill secret: it must be astonishingly huge and embarrassing.
It’s Official, the Ardern Regime Was Cruel
With the release of the first part of the Covid Inquiry we can now acknowledge what many of us already knew...that Ardern’s regime was cruel...and wrong.
You Say ‘Shameful’, I Say 'a Good Start'
Health New Zealand is looking at axing 1478 jobs...I say that’s a good start.
No, No, No...Why I Will Never Support a Four Year Term
Fours years is too long for a bad government and not long enough for a good one. Best to stick with three years for our parliamentary term.
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Only the most observant would have seen what I saw, and then asked about it via the Official Information Act. The answers will surprise you.