This Is the Story of the World
It feels as if it’s all happened before and, of course, it has all happened before.
It feels as if it’s all happened before and, of course, it has all happened before.
To pretend otherwise is arrogant and dishonest. Rawiri Waititi and his motley crew are attacking not European culture, not colonialisation, but their own people.
Goldsmith has the effrontery to declare that National Governments have ‘ensured equal citizenship and equal opportunity for all New Zealanders’.
No, these people are not going to learn anything. They don’t want to learn anything except that they were right.
To believe that I could work this out but that Orr, with his degrees in geography and economics, could not, has to be disingenuous to say the least.
For those who can remember Camp Freedom in Wellington, we actually had a real-life demonstration of how a better society could work.
This level of firsthand detail brought a personal touch to the incredible story of the Battle of Britain.
Despite the protestations of those who wish to make political capital out of it, the average length of life among Māori has nothing to do with racism – systemic, endemic or otherwise.
I am not going to humiliate myself by trying to explain to them that poisoning me is not good for me. I want a way to explain to them that poisoning me will not be good for them.
The top brass of the navy seems obsessed with political correctness. That is not their function and it can only undermine the public’s confidence. Identity politics are toxic wherever they rear their ugly heads and it is time that the navy ceased.
Of course the state schools are indoctrinating people. They always have. It’s what teaching is.
The ultimate in accuracy
In the past, the kings and rulers who declared war rode into it at the head of their troops. There was no question of whether or not they believed in what they were doing when their own lives were first in the firing line.
In New Zealand, we are left placing a great importance on incorporating this part of Māori culture into our lives, which sees that you can be judged on the tribe you come from, your ancestors and even the mountain you grow up near.