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Guest Post

Ancestors and the Culture Clash

Ancestors and the Culture Clash

In New Zealand, we are left placing a great importance on incorporating this part of Māori culture into our lives, which sees that you can be judged on the tribe you come from, your ancestors and even the mountain you grow up near.

Members Public
Have Your Say to the Law Commission

Have Your Say to the Law Commission

If this discussion achieves its evidently intended outcomes, we will eventually have laws against ‘misgendering’ and ‘deadnaming’. That would amount to a loss of freedom of speech or even to forced speech.

Members Public
Let Us Bring on the Debate

Let Us Bring on the Debate

Free speech begins at home. It begins with countless individuals making countless individual choices to speak their minds and allow others to speak theirs – even, if necessary, to defend to the death their right to do it.

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