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Guest Post

Is It Time for Nuclear?

Is It Time for Nuclear?

We either have to get real about using our own coal and gas reserves, or we have to think seriously, really seriously, about another form of power generation – the nuclear reactor.

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The Greens Need to Decide

The Greens Need to Decide

The question is, therefore, how to fix this quality problem. And it’s far from clear that the best answer is to just give party leaders the ability to fire MPs via the waka-jumping law.

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Intersex Athletes Will Be on the Podium

Intersex Athletes Will Be on the Podium

If you’re following the Olympics only through the lens of the New Zealand media you will be unaware that this saga remains one of the highest profile ongoing controversies in Paris.

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We Should Welcome the Warmth

We Should Welcome the Warmth

Despite the shrill forecasts of dangerous global warming, there are many signs that we are past the peak of the Holocene Warming. It is the next cycle of global cooling we have to fear.

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