Republished with Permission
Author: Bryce Edwards
Bridie Witton (Stuff): Bribe allegations about NZ vape kits in employee secret recordings
Dileepa Fonseka (BusinessDesk): Costello rejects 'premise' of questions around $575,000 contract to Chinese vape company RELX (paywalled)
Rachel Thomas (Post): Simeon Brown says health privatisation ‘not my focus’ (paywalled)
Richard Harman (Politik): Treasury sinks key National election promise (paywalled)
Mary Williams (ODT): Hospital decision expected
RNZ: New Dunedin hospital announcement imminent
Kathryn van Beek (Newsroom): Worrying about Dunedin Hospital
Matthew Littlewood (ODT): Cancer patient calls for a fair decision by govt
Peter de Graaf (RNZ): 'Very significant concerns': Documents reveal tension over proposal to close Dargaville Hospital
RNZ: General practices about 'to cross a tipping point', new Health Minister warned
Alice Peacock (Newsroom): Cardiac and mental illnesses fuel surging benefits bill
Jack Riddell (Herald): Government invests $67m in Hawke’s Bay Hospital upgrades
Cherie Stayner and Jim Mann (ODT: Prevention our only viable option
Ian Powell: Reckless Disregard Or Cruelty (Or Even Trumpian!)
Barbara Fountain (NZ Doctor): Ministerial execution
Barbara Fountain (NZ Doctor): A–Z: On the cards for health in 2025 (paywalled)
Martin Johnston (NZ Doctor): One regulator to rule them all? Health workforce body mooted (paywalled)
Isaac Davison (Herald): ‘Gay blood ban’ to be removed next year, New Zealand Blood Service says
RNZ: Rules preventing blood donations from men who have sex with men to change
Caron Copek (Stuff): Removal of a blanket gay blood donation ban celebrated
Maddy Croad (Press/Post): Lack of support sees half of breast cancer survivors shun treatment after their illness (paywalled)
Alex Penk (Ethos): Puberty blockers will keep generating conscience issues
Peter Dunne: Act looks backwards
Matthew Hooton (Herald): Singapore has Temasek – Why not KiwiSec for New Zealand? (paywalled)
Sally Wesley (RNZ): ACT pushes for sale of Pāmu to offset drain on taxpayer funding
Herald Editorial: NZ for sale - Should we sell state assets? If so, what? (paywalled)
Tim Hunter (NBR): Political posturing mars privatisation debate (paywalled)
Rebecca Stevenson (BusinessDesk): Public assets, private investors: a match made in investment heaven? (paywalled)
Dan Brunskill (Interest): Luxon won’t say ‘yes’ to housing development in his Botany electorate
Lloyd Burr (Stuff): The Nation of No? Welcome to New Zealand in 2025, says the PM (paywalled)
Susan Edmunds (RNZ): NZ could become 'net exporter' of population
RNZ: Public services, workers' wellbeing hit hard by government cuts - union
Nicola Gaston (The Conversation): If the government wants science to have an economic impact it has to put its money where its mouth is
Fox Meyer (Newsroom): Scientists to Govt: Put your money where your mouth is
Eric Crampton (Newsroom): When politicians campaign on competition, be very worried
David Hargreaves (Interest): 'NZ's long-run economic growth about expanding the population and rising house prices'
Cameron Bagrie (BusinessDesk): We need to unlock a 'Go’ economy (paywalled)
Jenny Ruth: Does our banking system contribute to NZ's low productivity? (paywalled)
Nona Pelletier (RNZ): Business confidence, economic growth to improve from mid-year - Infometrics
Liam Dann (Herald): ‘Over $400 a month’: Economists see mortgage savings boost to economy in 2025 (paywalled)
David Hill (Local Democracy Reporting): Tourist towns doubtful of government support
Martin Van Beynen (Press/Post): Sometimes you just need to swallow your hurt (paywalled)
Stewart Bowman-Lund (Spinoff): Is Winston Peters already gearing up for 2026?
Rayssa Almeida (RNZ): Members of NZ's Latin American community shocked, offended by NZ First MPs' comments
RNZ: Winston Peters backs down over comments after Mexican ambassador raises concerns
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Mexican Embassy wades in after NZ First minister’s comments: PM Christopher Luxon repeats ‘rhetoric’ warning
Sam Smith (Stuff): NZ First accuses Greens of ‘pearl clutching’ and ‘faux outrage’ as culture war hostilities escalate
RNZ: Watch: Christopher Luxon tells MPs to 'watch their rhetoric' as NZ First accused of racism
RNZ: David Seymour calls Te Pāti Māori 'race fanatics' after Karen Chhour comments
Peter Dunne (Newsroom): Grand coalition would head off ‘extreme politics’
Audrey Young (Herald): David Seymour, Winston Peters steal spotlight (again) as Christopher Luxon takes a hiding (paywalled)
Greg Dixon (Listener): Could Jacinda-mania be our economic savour? (paywalled)
RNZ: Green MP Benjamin Doyle snapped with no seatbelt
There are links to 55 items above in today’s free version of “NZ Politics Daily”. But below the paywall there are an additional 94 categorised items and today’s newspaper cartoons.
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