Why New Zealand Should Be the 51st State of America
Let’s draft a letter to the Don and offer to become the Swanndri-wearing, weird accented, good old boys of the deep deep American south.
Let’s draft a letter to the Don and offer to become the Swanndri-wearing, weird accented, good old boys of the deep deep American south.
I made sure, for us conservative folk, that Christmas came early this year.
The Jacinda Ardern story (part two). Another exclusive excerpt from her upcoming memoir.
That a New Zealand MP could advocate for views so inimical to our history, economy and culture is not perhaps surprising given the ‘diversity’ of our MMP system.
We need to get the Ministry of Culture to fund some kind of dance development project.
The right to protest is a virtue of our political system and hīkoi are a peculiarly New Zealand variation. I’d just like to recommend that Māori, rather than wasting such efforts on a dead-on-arrival parliamentary bill, save it for things that really matter…
No doubt as the more well-to-do streets of America witness an epidemic of lefty head explosions, amongst the ranting and wailing a question may be discerned: ‘What did we do wrong?’ You made it all about Trump.
I would like to offer my services as a writer of anti-Trump hit pieces. I feel I could do a much better job.
I have managed to obtain a copy of the final exam.
The actions of the useful idiots cannot be excused by their blood or religious ties. They act out of ignorance or, worse, a mob mentality that abdicates moral or political decision-making to whatever will get them the most likes on social media.
He remains pleasant and grins cheerfully as they call him a racist white supremacist and baby murderer to his face. This makes them hate him even more. It’s an excellent strategy.
An attempt on Donald Trump’s life was made by the Frank Spencer of hitmen. Contrast this with the excellence of the Israelis and their exploding pagers.
Add to this their working-class roots and their lack of interest in ‘issues’ that stars like Swift profess to care about and the reason for Oasis’ pariah status becomes clear.
Never before in the field of human knowledge has so much been unknown by so many.
The game ends when the players are so drunk that all racial hypersensitivity has been banished by the liberating power of liquor and, ironically, a sober view on ‘cultural offensiveness’ has been restored.