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Bad Science Is a Greater Threat Than COVID

Ever get the feeling you’ve been honked? Photoshop: Lushington Brady. The BFD.

Ideologues love to defend their passing obsessions, from transgenderism to catastrophic climate extinction, by shrieking, “It’s SCIENCE!” Do you doubt that a male can be a female? “Listen to the science!” If you also dare harbour the niggling suspicion that the Wuhan virus might not be quite the Black Death reincarnated, why, you just need to “Listen to the SCIENCE!”

Except that “the science” is too often ideological garbage peddled by second-rate hacks.

Today, our bewildered Prime Minister and his platoon of inept advisers might as well be using the planets to guide us through this pandemic, so catastrophic and wildly over-the-top are their decisions.

Now we look set to repeat the pattern of what happened six months ago when they first panicked the country into shutting down, except that this time it has been given a fancy title – operation ‘circuit break’.

Wait, “operation circuit break”? We’ve never heard that phrase uttered by Jacinda Ardern! That’s because, despite all the similarities which might fool you – bewildered prime minister, inept advisors, panicking and shutting the country down – it’s not New Zealand they’re talking about.

But it’s the same clown show of incompetent government being panicked with junk science.

Why is it that the Government is once again in the grip of doom-mongering scientific modellers who specialise in causing panic and little else?

[…]our PM, and his Dad’s Army of highly paid individuals with little experience of the job at hand, continue to behave as if they are acting on the basis of certainty.
Instead, they move from one poorly designed, rash decision to another[…]

It is not good science. The fog of pandemic chaos has even engulfed the most basic and best-understood of all outcomes: death.

Despite the desperate attempts of “scientific” hacks to hand-wave it away, it is beyond doubt that a great many “COVID” deaths are not what they are claimed. Almost all “COVID” deaths occurred in patients with a raft of other illnesses. But, dying with the virus is not the same as dying from the virus.

Are we looking at deaths by Covid? Deaths with Covid? Or even deaths post-Covid?

Our latest study, out yesterday, shows that nearly a third of all Covid-19 deaths recorded in July and August might have actually been the result of other causes –cancer, for example, or road traffic accidents.

But the garbage “science” starts long before the dodgy death counts. Probably the most damaging junk science is the near-fetishing of computer models.

It is unfortunate that Mr Johnson is surrounded by mediocre scientific advisers.

It is strange and concerning, that the Government is still relying on mathematical modellers who have a 20-year track record of getting things wrong and have been particularly wrong in the past six months.

Why have we lost sight of the fact that the agents of doom from Imperial College have already admitted that Sweden – which had no lockdown – has probably suppressed Covid-19 to the same level as Great Britain but without draconian measures?

And where are the 28,000 deaths post-lockdown in Italy that Imperial College predicted?

Then there’s the testing. Despite the media and government’s hysterical obsession with shrieking out daily numbers of “new infections”, it’s a fact that almost all of those “infections” will be completely asymptomatic. That is, the person involved would not even have known they had the virus unless they were tested.

It’s also quite possible that they don’t even have SARS-CoV-2, the Wuhan virus, at all. The Wuhan virus is just one of many coronaviruses, including some viruses that cause the common cold.

So what is really going on, away from the computer models? For a start, this is the end of September and the common cold, the rhinovirus, is on the march once more[…]

And increased COVID testing is picking up dead – entirely harmless – fragments of virus as well as genuine infections. So many of the positive results we think we are getting might not be positives at all.

Our inability to accurately report the most simple measures – the proportion of positive tests that were asymptomatic or the date at which the symptoms began, for example – is a major problem for our intelligence gathering.

And the result is a confused, rudderless Government lost in a swamp of poor statistics and ill-informed recommendations.

We need a circuit break, all right: a break from inept, panicked governance and poor, often deliberately mendacious, “science”, peddled by partisan hacks and lab-coated media tarts. It’s not the Wuhan virus itself which has sentenced millions to virtual house arrest, mental despair and economic devastation, it’s bad science and incompetent politics.

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