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Barry Young: Hero or Felon?

Barry Young outside court. Photo supplied. The BFD

Gary Moller

Gary Moller is a Health Practitioner who is focused on addressing the root causes of ill health or poor performance by making use of a key forensic tool – Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis – and administering healthy, natural and sustainable therapies.

Barry: Is he a Hero!

Barry Young was a dedicated employee at Health NZ, where he played a crucial role in developing and managing a Covid-19 vaccination database. This database was responsible for tracking pay-per-dose providers, including doctors and chemists administering the vaccines.

However, Barry’s commitment to his work led him down a path of unsettling discoveries. Within the data, he noticed disturbing clusters of deaths occurring at certain vaccination centres. According to the data, in some cases, death rates following COVID mRNA vaccinations reached an alarming 28 percent. These findings raised significant safety concerns that demanded immediate attention.

Please read this article then come back to this one:

Despite Barry’s efforts to bring these red flags to the attention of NZ Health, his concerns fell on deaf ears. Tormented by what he had uncovered and haunted by the potential risks, Barry made the courageous decision to blow the whistle on the situation. His conscience guided him to act.

Unfortunately, Barry’s act of bravery did not go unnoticed. On 4th December 2023, he was arrested and charged with “accessing a computer system for a dishonest purpose.” Spending two nights in jail, Barry faced two court appearances before being released on bail.

On 18th December, Barry appeared in court for the third time, pleading not guilty to the charges. Opting for a trial by jury, he sought justice for his actions. The next court appearance, a Case Review, is scheduled for 10:15 am on Friday, 23rd February, at the Wellington District Court, which you are invited to attend.

The implications of Barry’s findings are significant, as they raise questions about the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 mRNA vaccinations, and confirm deep concerns and alarm that this drug is ineffective and doing far more harm than good. It is essential that these concerns are thoroughly investigated and addressed to protect the well-being of the public.

Barry’s case serves as a stark reminder that speaking up for what is right, even in the face of adversity, is a responsibility we all share. The pursuit of truth and the protection of public health should always prevail, no matter the obstacles encountered along the way.

Is the data Barry released accurate?

Yes, it is!

Here is a summary of the key findings:

In a single vaccination center located in Invercargill, 51 individuals received their vaccinations in a span of two hours and unfortunately all of them have passed away. Meanwhile, out of the 837 individuals who received their vaccinations at a different center, 253 have also met the same fate. This translates to a mortality rate of 30% among the vaccinated individuals at that particular center. In another vaccination center, out of 923 individuals who received their vaccinations, 276 have passed away. Several other vaccination centers across the country have also recorded a mortality rate of 30%.

Someone within the Ministry of Health, an extremely credible, well-placed, and qualified source, has bravely supplied the following statement for publication (I have edited their statement a little to protect their anonymity because I do not want to be responsible for them losing their job and becoming unemployable by way of ostracism):

“Hi Gary, in your blog, you had a question relating to the accuracy of Barry’s data. It is accurate.  I know this because (Deleted xxxx……).The data collection is very simple. Vaccination data has a person’s id and date of vaccination.  The person’s id is linked to the register of births and deaths from which one gets the date of birth and if there, date of death. Can’t be simpler.The MOH has audit procedures to ensure pay-per-dose vaccination data is valid and accurate. Even though I had nothing to do with Barry’s actions, I know the data he used is valid.”

Investigation – not Persecution!

Rather than punishing good-hearted whistle-blowers like Barry and labelling him and others as purveyors of false information, we must launch an immediate inquiry – this is of such massive, grave consequences that it cannot wait for Winston Peter’s inquiry into COVID. If the data is accurate, then people are needlessly dying as I type.

Photo supplied. The BFD.

Can we trust the data? If we can, what measures will be implemented to handle it? Or will it be ignored and covered up, denying the possibility of “killing fields“? This is unacceptable. We must immediately conduct fair and thorough inquiries, as all evidence suggests that the data is accurate. If this is verified, then we are dealing with a serious public health crisis caused by our healthcare system, with potential implications for criminal behaviour.

Photo supplied. The BFD.

First, do no harm!

Before conducting an inquiry that will require a significant amount of time, the distribution of mRNA vaccines must be stopped immediately. There is abundant proof that these medications may be causing harm. Medical experts and healthcare workers who persist in promoting this drug, while making unsupported assertions of its safety and efficacy, are violating the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code. They have had ample opportunity to recognise that their continued support of this drug borders on criminal behaviour if not outright criminality.

Therefore, put a stop to it immediately and investigate!

Please read this excellent article by “Flag ‘n Fix”:

And spread the word!
