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Beggars and Bums – Our National Disgrace

Sir Bob Jones

Phil Goff warned Auckland is becoming the Wild West, this in respect of gangland shootings and the gangs murdering one another.

You’ve got the wrong end of the stick Phil. No-one minds these losers killing one another, indeed, as reported, most are maori deportees from Australia and it may well be such actions comprise the only public good any of them have ever done. But downtown Auckland has been a disgrace for some years now.

First because of the degrading spectacle of dozens of beggars, a new maori industry now nation-wide. And at night in central Queen Street, a group of maoris leaping about, drunk and drugged, threatening anyone game to appear in their vicinity.

Then there’s the disgrace of bums everywhere in public places. They’re described as “homeless” and we’re expected to be sympathetic to their self-inflicted plight. I for one am not. Soft soaping by well-meaning charities is plainly not the answer.

Weak people only ever respond to hard outside discipline, self-discipline being the one thing lacking in their lives.

Our cities should be enjoyable and not despoiled in this fashion by parasites and losers.

If National had any guts they would promise to resurrect the former legislation banning beggars which would garner immense support.

If these bums and beggars were Chinese, an inconceivable proposition, you can be assured action would long since have happened.

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