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banana fruit
Photo by Diane Alkier. The BFD.



The battleground for our culture, western technology, and common sense is moving to the local government elections. Soros-funded green groups are active in New Zealand while the Ardern-funded MSM are doing hit pieces on anyone with Freedom Party links.

Most councils have finally found some backbone over Three Waters, but all councils are under threat due to widespread apathy among voters. Typically, only 33% of people bother to cast a ballot in local government elections, justified by past experience of being ignored for 35 months out of every 36-month term.

This means a small minority of activists can seize control unless the rest of us get off our backsides, so this is a shameless plug for your vote.

I am standing for Hamilton City Council. My track record can be seen in The BFD archives. I am not a politician – I hate politics, but I am interested in policy. I don’t want to be a councillor, but I see a lot of problems that need fixing, and I am prepared to try. But my worst nightmare would be getting elected as a useless lone voice against a woke majority. I can only be effective if there are seven other good people on board with me.

So here is a brief rundown of the best Hamilton candidates. This year is the first of STV voting. Ticks are gone. You have to number the candidates in order of preference.


Geoff Taylor 1

There are 8 candidates but it is a two-horse race. Donna Pokere-Phillips is anti-vax but is not in with a chance. Geoff came out strongly against the Three Waters take-over while incumbent Paula Southgate sits on the fence.

Hamilton East

Raymond Mudford 1

Russelle Knaap 2

Andrew Bydder 3

Kesh Naidoo-Rauf 4

Maxine Van Oosten 5

Ryan Hamilton 6

The top three are members of Team Integrity, a group that will work together to uphold traditional values of practical common sense. You can tell by our grey hair! We are against mandates, tired of climate nonsense, regard co-governance as divisive, and want to keep rates increases to CPI. We have the range of skills and governance experience to rein in spending and social engineering.

The bottom three are current councillors whom we can work with while agreeing to disagree on some issues.

Hamilton West

Rudi Du Plooy 1

Dave Boyd 2

Michael West 3

Ewan Wilson 4

Geoff Taylor 5

Angela O’Leary 6

Top of the list is another member of Team Integrity. Dave Boyd is down to earth. Michael West has a good track record. The last three are current councillors whom we can work with while agreeing to disagree on some issues.
