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Biden Determined to Keep the Borders Open

brown wooden fence near green trees during daytime
Photo by Greg Bulla

If a foreign nation did this, it would be called an act of war: the Biden administration is deliberately and systematically sabotaging the USA’s own borders. And at least three million illegal immigrants have flooded into the country in just the last year alone – setting a new record.

And no matter what states along the southern border try in desperation to control the human tide swamping the US, their own federal government just keeps tearing it down.


It’s gotten so that states are having to take Washington to court – repeatedly – to try and put a stop to it.

An appeals court on Tuesday blocked the Biden administration from cutting razor wire along Texas’s border with Mexico.

The administration must refrain “from damaging, destroying, or otherwise interfering with Texas’s c-wire fence in the vicinity of Eagle Pass, Texas, as indicated in Texas’s complaint,” the order of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reads.

The court granted a temporary injunction that stops the Biden administration from cutting the razor wire while it hears the case, in which the State of Texas is attempting to stop federal immigration authorities from taking down the barriers.

But the Democrats just won’t take no for an answer.

Texas has fought with the administration over its razor wire barricades for months. A judge in late October issued a temporary restraining order, stopping the Biden administration from taking the wire down after Texas sued the Department of Homeland Security and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, as well as other agencies and their heads, over the issue.

A month later, however, that same judge allowed federal authorities to cut the wire again, though she criticized the administration for its “utter failure” to stop illegal immigration. The state then appealed the decision to the Fifth Circuit.

And it’s not the only battle Texas is fighting against its own government.

Another legal feud between Texas and the Biden administration concerns the state’s construction of a floating barrier in the Rio Grande. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this month ordered the state to remove the buoys.

The Washington Free Beacon

With internal saboteurs like these, what need has the USA of external enemies?

But Texas is just one of dozens of states suing Washington in order to try and control the border crisis.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is leading 20 states who are suing the Biden administration over a federal migrant parole program announced earlier this month.

The program established a pathway for up to 30,000 migrants each month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to petition for asylum in the U.S. President Joe Biden launched the program as part of a series of new border enforcement actions.

If that’s “border enforcement”, then shoplifting is crime control.

“Every state in America, especially border states like Texas, is being crushed by the impacts of illegal immigration. The Biden open borders agenda has created a humanitarian crisis that is increasing crime and violence in our streets, overwhelming local communities, and worsening the opioid crisis,” Paxton said.

“This unlawful amnesty program, which will invite hundreds of thousands of aliens into the US every year, will only make this immigration crisis drastically worse,” he continued.


Yes, but at least they’ll vote Democrat when the time comes. Whether they know it or not.
