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Who would have thought that Facebook would become a target of censorship, and from none other than the Biden administration? ReclaimTheNet explains.

The Biden administration continues to pressure Facebook to collaborate and help it achieve its goals, one of them being to counter COVID vaccine skepticism and get more people in the US vaccinated.

In other words, Biden wants to start censoring Facebook, something that is not without a bit of irony.

After Biden shockingly denounced Facebook and others as “killing people” because they are allegedly letting COVID misinformation run rampant on their platforms, that pressure now continues in media reports, like the one The Washington Post published, citing three anonymous administration sources.

To use an analogy, basically, Biden is accusing Facebook of telling people how to make bombs.

According to them, The White House and Facebook have had a series of meetings whose aim was to get the social media giant to turn over massive amounts of user data to the government, apparently as a “good will gesture” – since there doesn’t seem to be any legal ground for such a request.

Ah, what about user privacy? Didn’t Facebook get in trouble for selling using data?

[…]It’s not obvious why the officials quoted by the article thought Facebook was under obligation to do this, but they accused the company of “hiding, filibustering and deflecting” – while at the same time commending Google and Twitter for apparently being much more accommodating in similar meetings around the same subject.

It could be argued that the Biden administration isn’t trying to censor Facebook but instead is trying to get Facebook to hand over data, which is bad enough. But make no mistake. Once Facebook hands over the data, Biden will then require them to remove any posts that the administration deems “problematic.”

Of course Facebook is far from innocent and is not above censoring user posts, using the excuse of “community guidelines”. It appears that neither Facebook nor Biden knows the difference between publisher and platform.

And with regard to the Biden administration wanting to censor Facebook, who are already in the censorship the game: oh the irony!
