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Biden Giving Aid and Comfort to Enemies

The president, his vice president and other government officials are creating an atmosphere where an assassination becomes more and more likely.

Photo by Aaron Burden / Unsplash

Gary L Bauer 
Gary Bauer is an opinion columnist at The Patriot Post, and is one of America’s most effective spokesmen for pro-life, pro-family and pro-growth values. Bauer is a frequent guest on a wide variety of political talk shows and a much-in-demand speaker nationwide.

In a major TV interview Wednesday morning, Joe Biden’s secretary of commerce said that we need to “extinguish Donald Trump for good.” Extinguish is not a word someone normally uses when referring to political candidates or competitors.

Concerned about the implications of the statement, the interviewer asked the commerce secretary to clarify what she meant. The commerce secretary then said we should “banish him from American politics.” That’s unconstitutional. In America, we don’t banish people from participating in our political process.

The secretary is a well-educated woman. Her selection of words is very telling. She could have said, “Let’s defeat Donald Trump.” But she didn’t. Instead, she said “extinguish” and “banish” him.

A few hours later, Joe Biden went on The View, where Whoopi Goldberg compared President Trump to a bug. (Dehumanizing people is a classic tactic of every totalitarian society.)

Goldberg waved her hand around and made buzzing noises. Then Biden suddenly smacked the table, suggesting the bug – Trump – should be killed. This is after two assassination attempts against President Trump that we know of.

So, we have Biden, members of his cabinet, and others giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States. That’s the definition of treason in the Constitution.

If you think I’m exaggerating, consider this:

  • We have proof that Iran is trying to assassinate President Trump.
  • A Pakistani man was arrested the day before the Butler assassination attempt for plotting with Iran to kill US officials.
  • A video, produced by Iran two years ago, has resurfaced that shows Trump being killed on a golf course – precisely where the latest assassination attempt occurred.
  • The would-be assassin in that attempt wanted Iran to kill Trump and has bizarre connections to Iran.
  • The president and others appear to be encouraging the assassination of the opposition party’s leader.

I can’t think of anything more serious than a president, his vice president, and other government officials giving aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States by creating an atmosphere where an assassination becomes more and more likely.

Biden vs Harris

During his appearance on The View, Wednesday, Joe Biden made a statement that is getting a lot of attention. Presumably, it was meant to boost Kamala Harris, but some commentators aren’t so sure. Referring to Harris’s capabilities, Biden said:

“As Vice President, there wasn’t a single thing that I did that she couldn’t do, and so I was able to delegate [to] her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy.”

That sounds like Harris was responsible for a lot. We know she was the “last person in the room” advising Biden on the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan. And we know she was the “Border Czar.”

Is he trying to sabotage her campaign by reminding us how much Kamala was running things?

Statements like that, where Biden is essentially bear-hugging Harris, make it very difficult for her to run as the candidate of “change.” He’s hanging all his unpopular policies around her neck like an anchor, and voters are not happy with the status quo.

They are angry over inflation and open borders. They’re worried about crime and blundering into a war with Russia. That’s why Biden’s approval rating is underwater, and that’s why the vast majority of Americans believe our country is headed in the wrong direction.

The Burden Of Proof

In criminal trials, the prosecutor has the burden of proving a defendant’s guilt rather than the defendant having to prove his innocence. Throughout the campaign, Kamala Harris never misses an opportunity to stress her experience as a prosecutor. But what is that experience exactly?

Former Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark has been digging into Harris’s legal background. So far, he cannot find one instance of Harris actually leading the prosecution of a case in a courtroom.

She may have negotiated cases and decided who should be prosecuted. But her image as a “tough prosecutor” appears to be completely made up. Clark has challenged the media to find one case where Harris was the lead courtroom prosecutor. So far, no one has taken up his challenge.

The burden of proof, once again, rests with the prosecutor. Harris should prove that she actually prosecuted a case in court. While she’s at it, she should prove she actually worked at McDonald’s and prove that she had a middle-class upbringing.

On The Hill

The backlash to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to a Pennsylvania weapons factory continues. Speaker Mike Johnson is demanding that the Ukrainian ambassador be fired.

It was the ambassador who coordinated the event with state and local Democrats, while she excluded Republicans. That’s clear foreign interference in our election.

It’s also being reported that Speaker Johnson did not meet with Zelensky when he visited Capitol Hill yesterday. He should have done the exact opposite. He should have insisted that Zelensky meet with him, and Johnson should have read him the riot act.

Meanwhile, on the Senate side of the Capitol, Mitch McConnell was asked this week about Trump’s support for tariffs. As you know, Trump implemented a number of tariffs in his term. They didn’t do any of the bad things everyone predicted, and they brought in billions of dollars of revenue.

But when asked for his opinion, McConnell said, “I’m not a fan of tariffs… I’m more of a free trade kind of Republican.” Unfortunately, he said more than that.

McConnell also repeated Harris’s talking points, saying, “They raise prices for American consumers.” Predictably, the Harris campaign immediately seized on McConnell’s remarks and used them to attack Donald Trump.

Thank you very much, Mitch.

Leftist Intolerance

The far-left Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is calling for the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA).

The secularists at the Freedom From Religion Foundation are upset that a special election edition of BGEA’s Decision magazine explained the positions of the presidential candidates, which the FFRF alleges is a violation of election law.

Reverend Franklin Graham responded to the allegation, saying, “This isn’t the first time we’ve been attacked by this activist group, and it won’t be the last. I don’t tell people who to vote for, but I do encourage Christians to pray and vote.”

Once again, the left’s natural impulse to censor speech is on full display. They don’t want debate. They want to shut down debate. And they really don’t want Christians voting.

The Deep State Strikes Back

Speaking of silencing critics, New York Mayor Eric Adams was indicted Wednesday night on federal charges of bribery, conspiracy, wire fraud, and soliciting illegal foreign campaign donations.

Adams denies the charges and says his troubles started when he publicly criticized the Biden/Harris administration a year ago for dumping thousands of migrants in New York City, costing taxpayers more than $5 billion dollars.

Well, two things can be true at the same time, and the corruption of big city Democrats is legendary.

But this is also an example of the old Soviet phrase, “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” I have no doubt that this is a political prosecution triggered by the fact that Adams opened his mouth and took a stand against the left’s radical agenda.

Did he do the things he is accused of? It’s possible. And I have no doubt that the Justice Department could find a whole lot of corruption in New York State. But the mayor’s defense of common sense put a target on his back, and the left is determined to silence him.

Defending Faith, Family, & Freedom

In this week’s Defending Faith, Family, and Freedom podcast for the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute, I discuss the history of Supreme Court decisions, dating from the 1960s until today, that have significantly weakened religious freedoms. Men and women of faith must defend our God-given rights. We must vote!

Listen to the podcast here.

This article was originally published by The Patriot Post and republished by PA Pundits.


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