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Photo by TheDigitalArtist. The BFD.

Last week one of the pioneers of mRNA technology Dr. Robert Malone was permanently banned by Twitter. His crime? Allegedly spreading “misinformation.”

Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989 (including both the idea of mRNA vaccines and the original proof of principle experiments) and RNA transfection. Dr. Malone, has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times.

In an interview with Joe Rogan, he discussed Tech censorship, the Tech narrative and the real reasons why he believes Twitter censored him.

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“They removed you for not going along with whatever the tech narrative is, because tech clearly has a censorship agenda when it comes to COVID in terms of treatment… whether or not you’re promoting what they would call vaccine hesitancy, they can ban you for that, they can ban you for in their eyes, what they think is a justifiable offense.”

[…] “And they’re doing this and I don’t know who these people are that are doing this, but they’re doing this – one of the most important things about you reading out your history like that, is to one of the most qualified people in the world to talk about vaccines.”

Dr. Malone

“If – so the point that I think is kind of succinct on this is if my voice, if there’s no merit to my voice being in the conversation, whether it’s true or not, whether I’m factually correct or not, let’s park that just for a minute. Whether or not I’m right in everything I say, and I freely admit, no one’s perfect. I’m not perfect. It’s one of my core points, is people should think for themselves,”

[…] “I try really hard to give people the information and help them to think, not to tell them what to think. Okay? But the point is if I’m not — if it’s not okay for me to be part of the conversation, even though I’m pointing out scientific facts that may be inconvenient, then who is who can be allowed?”

[…] “And whether you’re in the camp that says I’m a liar, and I didn’t invent this technology, despite the patents, and there’s a whole cohort of that. No one can debate that dispute. But I played a major role in the creation of this tech and virtually all other voices that have that background, have conflicts of interest, financial conflicts of interest. I think I’m the only one that doesn’t, I’m not getting any money out of this,”

Listen to the episode from The Joe Rogan Experience on Spotify below.


State of the Nation 2025

State of the Nation 2025

That government agencies are effectively thumbing their noses at official directives and getting away with it without consequences is totally unacceptable. Until the coalition confronts and defeats this ‘enemy within’, their own policy platform remains largely ineffective.

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