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Auckland High Court


“Kiwi’s should now be concerned that the New Zealand Bill of Rights can be set aside anytime the Government of the day chooses. How is that possible?” said Mike Shaw Spokesperson for NZTSOS Inc.

NZTSOS members were very disappointed to learn today of the outcome of their High Court  Case seeking Judicial Review on the very damaging Mandatory Vaccination Health Order.  However, members have unanimously expressed their determination to press forward with the next stage of action.

The ever-expanding group of principals, teachers, ECE teachers, support workers, grounds people and school staff will appeal the judgement and seek interim relief as soon as possible. Members expressed their gratitude to the legal team and the tireless work they have put in so far to this cause and their continued support and efforts for the fight.

“This government needs to know that it works for, and represents the people. It needs to know that the people are speaking, and what they are saying is ‘we want control over our own health care decisions. We are fed up with this binary thinking by this government they need to have more nuanced thinking. There has been absolutely no investigation into regular  testing as an alternative for example, it’s just “our way or the highway” with them.”

Tuesday is going to see chaos across New Zealand with some areas of the country more affected than others as valued, experienced educators are being forced out of their careers, with no thought to alternatives from this government. These heavy-handed tactics are backfiring and the cost is borne by the teachers, schools and the children within the school community. It is a huge sadness for many that their value has been reduced to this.

NZTSOS Inc., is not anti-vax, and we will stand with the teachers, families and communities affected by the consequences of this forced vaccination mandate.

“We stand against the culture of division the government has created across Aotearoa”. We will continue standing, speaking out and fighting for our members and on behalf of all those living this nightmare.

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