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Bill to Ban Synthetic Urine as a Way to Cheat a Drug Test

Synthetic urine. Image credit The BFD.

A bill that will ban the importing, supply and acquisition of synthetic urine to pass a workplace drug test is to have its first reading in Parliament, MP for Waimakariri Matt Doocey says.

“Drug testing in the workplace is used to keep people safe and prevent accidents and deaths. At the moment synthetic urine is openly marketed and sold in New Zealand as a way to cheat a workplace drug test.

“I’ve been contacted by a constituent who had a staff member pass a workplace drug test by using synthetic urine. This constituent runs a large agricultural contracting business and was alarmed at the availability of synthetic urine.

“The use of synthetic urine could see someone pass a drug test when they shouldn’t have and then go on to operate heavy machinery putting their life and the lives of their colleagues at risk.

“The proposed legislation has support from Kirk Hardy, the CEO of the Drug Detection Agency who says ‘any move towards protecting the safety of employees and members of the public in the workplace is a positive step forward’.

Synthetic urine. Image credit The BFD.

“With the Government looking to liberalise drug laws we need to be confident that when employees are undertaking a drug test they aren’t cheating and putting the lives of others at risk.

“I hope all parties in Parliament see the harm in allowing synthetic urine to be sold as a means to cheat a drug test and will support this sensible law change to keep Kiwis safe.”

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