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Billionaire Super-Spreaders Do as They Please

While the rest of us suffer through lockdowns and quarantine, the globalist elite pretty much get to do as they choose. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When it comes to the Wuhan Plague, there are rules and then there are rules. It all depends on who you are.

We hoi polloi are locked down, muzzled and placed under house arrest and military curfew. The elite and their cronies get to do pretty much as they please.

Even if they’re global super-spreaders.

Australia’s richest man contracted COVID-19 while travelling around the world last year and was granted an exemption saving him from having to quarantine in two states on his return.

Read that again. Preferably while you’re having a testing swab jammed up your nostril just so you can leave the house with a government permit. Australia’s richest man was allowed to jet about the globe even while he was knowingly carrying the virus which saw New Zealanders locked in their homes for four months.

Fortescue Metals chairman Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest contracted the virus from a Russian translator in Uzbekistan, forcing him to postpone the rest of his planned Central Asia leg as he pursued new renewable energy projects for the major miner.

He flew to Croatia for medical treatment before being evacuated to a Swiss hospital, where he spent three days in a specialised respiratory clinic[…]The four-month tour of 47 countries occurred at the height of the pandemic.

Uzbekistan. Croatia. Switzerland. 47 countries.

Meanwhile, everyday New Zealanders are kicked off a plane just before takeoff. Tens of thousands of Australians have been stranded overseas for nearly a year, forbidden from returning home.

All because of the virus that a billionaire was allowed to carry around the globe with impunity.

It helps to have friends in high places, apparently.

The 59-year-old was allowed to return to WA – known for its strict COVID-19 rules – without having to quarantine again after being granted an exemption.

On the other hand, fellow West Australian Jackie Reeder was denied the chance to be at her dying mother’s bedside, due to being locked in a room with no food or water at Perth Airport for seven hours. Six hours into her ordeal, she got the phone call that her mother had died.

She wasn’t even allowed to be with family members for the funeral.

A Melbourne couple spent days locked in a hotel room with their daughter, who had just spent four months in a psychiatric hospital, spiralling deeper and deeper into a mental health crisis.

“We are $6000 out of pocket now for this whole debacle, plus the emotional turmoil that’s put us all through, particularly our daughter,” says her mother.

But Twiggy Forrest didn’t just get to swan about the globe carrying the virus, avoiding government quarantine; he made a new pile of filthy lucre from the country which unleashed the virus in the first place.

While Mr Forrest was globetrotting, his fortune hit a near $28bn due to soaring iron ore prices, driven by strong demand from China.

The Australian

BFD readers will also recall that, while New Zealand was under lockdown, the Ardern government was secretly smuggling “high-value foreigners” like Hollywood squillionaires into the country.

Some pigs are clearly more equal than others.

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