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The BFD.
How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in your own eye?

Matthew 7:4

As Matthew reminds us, it’s easy to criticise others while ignoring our own glaring faults. Especially when it comes to bias. Still, it’s rather startling to read a meandering Jeremiad in leftist Bible Crikey, blithering about the “far right”, while outright denying that the far left even exists.

Not only that, but seriously arguing that far left violence just isn’t a thing.

Bear in mind, too, that this isn’t written by a red-ragging student communist or a union bruvva. This is written by the former chief executive of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia.

Read on, and try and contain your astonishment, as he advocates more and more government regulation of small businesses.

Our social and industrial laws will be increased. There will be more law, not less; more control, not less.

I remind you again: this is a supposed spokesman for small businesses.

But he really jumps off the reality bridge when he gets started on the far left denial.

Is there a similar far left in Australia? There are some crazies out there but the call for violent revolution seems to be almost — currently — non-existent.

Is this fool even aware of the gamut of “revolutionary Marxist” groups who are routinely involved in violent demonstrations in Australia? Of the Aboriginal activists leading massive BLM marches and urging them to “burn it all down”? Antifa?

Law-abiding Australians on the centre-right have to try and assemble in secret, lest they be attacked by far-left mobs, as happened during Milo Yiannopoulos’ speaking tour of Australia. A violent Antifa mob attempted to overturn a bus full of people while throwing bricks and other projectiles.

Presumably, he’s forgotten that a massive mob of unionists and Aboriginal activists smashed their way into Parliament House in 1996, but the attempt by Aboriginal activists to burn down the Old Parliament House — now the Museum of Australian Democracy — was only months ago.

Some would argue it could be Extinction Rebellion that confronts the issue of climate action through disruption and civil disobedience, but it is neither violent nor does it want to control society.

Vandalism, an increasing tactic of XR, is violence — and the group literally wants to control society, not just with its demands of “citizens assemblies” (consisting of guess who?), but by forcing us all to get rid of our cars and cull all our sheep and cattle.

Even supposedly “far right” terrorists have, by their own Eco-Fascist “manifestos” in which they express admiration for communist China, far more in common with Extinction Rebellion than the today almost non-existent, Ku Klux Klan.

Above all, it takes incredible blindness to sit through the years of hundreds of violent riots — causing at least 30 deaths and hundreds of billions in property damage — by far-left groups in the US and witter something so astonishingly stupid as:

The violent part of the far left is in hibernation.


This fellow has clearly slept through the last five years. Or solely relied on the legacy media for information, which is much the same thing.
