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Brace Yourselves for the Perfect Storm

thunderstorm with dark clouds
Photo by Josep Castells. The BFD

Rob Slane

Rob Slane dwells in the Country Formerly Known as Great Britain, now known as The Quagmire. He is married to the very best wife imaginable and so far they have been entrusted with the upbringing of 6 free-range little Slanes.

I spent an inordinate amount of time last year poring over Covid data, creating charts using Covid data, and doing analysis using Covid data. My assumption was that when people started seeing data in context, rather than the highly selective figures churned out by the Government and their Global Pravda lackeys, they would of course see the error of their ways, give up being fearful and demand an end to this folly. How quaint. How naïve.

What I instead discovered is that people are generally speaking utterly impervious to data and facts. No matter how many charts I and others put out showing absolutely no difference between say, Lockdown Britain and non-Lockdown Sweden, it made no difference. If Britain hadn’t locked down, its deaths would have been higher. If Sweden had locked down, its deaths would have been lower. People still cling to such anti-logic, even though according to all-cause mortality, taking population growth into account, Sweden did much better than Britain, whilst Britain itself had a year about the same as that in 2008. Lockdowns Good; Non-Lockdowns Bad.

But being a sucker for punishment, I was playing around with some more data and saw something interesting that I thought I’d bang out. Not that I have any illusions of it doing the slightest bit of good. Those who see what they have been told to see will continue to see what they’ve been told to see. But I’ll put it out anyway, just cos.

The first chart uses official data for the UK and shows the number of Covid-19 patients in hospital in the summer of 2020, and the number of Covid-19 patients in hospital in the summer of 2021. Notice anything interesting and odd?

This second one again uses official data for the UK, showing the number of daily deaths attributed to Covid-19 in the summer of 2020 and the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 in the summer of 2021. Again, anything interesting to see?

Whereas Sunshine and Vitamin D were able to deal with Covid-19 in 2020, in 2021 — after most people have taken the experimental product that was sold as the answer — they have apparently been powerless. Anyone claiming that the deaths are going up now because not everyone has been “vaccinated”, or because of the “unvaccinated”, really ought to book themselves onto a Basic Logic course. For here’s the Very Important Point:

Everyone was “unvaccinated” in the summer of 2020. And the hospitalisations and deaths came down.
Most people are “vaccinated” in the summer of 2021. And the hospitalisations and deaths have been going up.

So it can’t be “unvaccination” that’s driving them up now, can it?
Because it wasn’t “vaccination” that brought deaths down in 2020 then, was it?
So it must be something else, mustn’t it?

I’m not qualified to answer what that something else is, although I think the likes of Nobel Prize Winner, Professor Luc Montagnier is, and he told us months ago of the potential dangers of vaccinating into a pandemic. Here’s his answer to whether such a thing should be done:

“It’s unthinkable. They’re silent… many people know this, epidemiologists know it. It is the antibodies produced by the virus that enable an infection to become stronger. It’s what we call Antibody Dependent Enhancement, which means antibodies favor a certain infection. The antibody attaches to the virus, from that moment it has the receptors, the antibodies, we have them in the macrophage etc. It pokes the virus and not accidentally, but because of the fact that they’re linked to the antibodies. It is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination. OK?”

This video of the new Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Bennett, stating very clearly that it is the “vaccinated” who are the most vulnerable people right now, does tend to confirm Montagnier’s warning, although of course it was used by Bennett as a reason why the “vaccinated” must get a third dose, and then presumably a fourth if the immune system hasn’t by that time destroyed the body.

We are, I think, in a lull before a perfect storm headed our way, and here are 10 things I think are extremely likely to happen between now and the end of the year, though of course, it would be nice to be wrong on all of them:

  1. Mass testing at the start of the school year using the fraudulent PCR test
  2. Leading to another wave of so-called “cases”, especially among children
  3. Cue yet another round of fear and hysteria
  4. Leading to the apparent necessity of children being “vaccinated”
  5. And meaning the Coronavirus Act can be extended in late September
  6. Also leading to a strict Lockdown in October
  7. Vax Passports introduced, beginning with nightclubs and large venues
  8. Food shortages caused by deliberate breaking of supply chains, blamed on Covid (what else?)
  9. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement likely to cause many deaths this winter
  10. Civil unrest in major cities

Those behind this monstrous deception have by no means completed their aims. They have a long way to go.

Brace yourselves. Trust in God and Keep Your Powder Dry. Remember this:

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!
Wait for the Lord be strong, and let your heart take courage; Wait for the Lord.”

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