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BREAKING NEWS: The BFD Staff are Not Available Right Now

Dear Readers,

Today is The BFD Staff Christmas party at the beach so both today and tomorrow expect posts to be light on the ground as staff take some time off to relax and enjoy each others company in the real world.

On a normal day we all meet up in our online office but the annual Christmas party is our opportunity to meet each other in the real, not the virtual world.

Writer Lushington has come all the way from Tasmania for the party this year and Moderator Buzz E Bee has also flown in from a mystery overseas country to meet us all for the first time.

Writers, proofreaders, quiz makers, moderators, photoshoppers and more are all expected at the party which will go from midday and until late in the evening if last years one is anything to go by.

If the weather stays good we will finish the evening by sitting around our firepit burning driftwood and telling stories. If Nige has his guitar we may even sing songs..who knows.

For the sake of everyone at the party I hope I don’t end up singing because although I have a number of talents, singing isn’t one of them.

Thanks for your understanding as we let our hair down for a while.

The Editor

aka SB :)
