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Bridges and Bennett Can’t Hit the Broad Side of a Barn

missed target missed the target

Talk about a target-rich environment. The Labour party are in such disarray right now that a three-year-old with a pea shooter would be able to take one of them out, but sadly no three year olds were available.

To fail to get in any hits on a government that is currently elbow-deep in manure is a failure of epic proportions, yet Simon Bridges and Paula Bennett did exactly that. They both screwed up bigly.

It was a travesty of ineptitude as they inexplicably went after Ardern about the measles outbreak instead of the current sex scandal inside the PM’s own office.

Their stupidity made it easy for Mallard to bat it all away. The questions that Paula Bennett no doubt hogged, should have been in Bridges’ first question. They were both grandstanding fools with no ability to take heads even when there was a head presented for them with the neck all stretched out for a clean cut.

It was a total waste of time trying to pin a measles outbreak on Jacinda. What a muppet. It is not as if the goverment planned it.

I bet they all clapped each other on the back in caucus yesterday morning…talking up a big game and praising each other thinking that it won’t be long now before they are back in charge.

It was really bad. Ardern and Mallard were all over them

There was so much ammunition available to the National party yet there were so many missed targets.

Why weren’t they smashing up Megan Woods? Oh that’s right their biggest hitter Judith Collins is in the UK and none of them thought to ask questions anyway.

Even the inept Parker was winning which shows just how poorly National was performing.

To paraphrase Rob Muldoon and his sledge of Bill Rowling, perhaps the Labour Caucus should help Simon Bridges make his voice deeper by digging him a hole to speak out of.

Question 2 – Hon Simon Bridges to the Prime Minister from New Zealand Parliament on Vimeo.

Question 5 – Hon Paula Bennett to the Prime Minister from New Zealand Parliament on Vimeo.

Question 3 – Hon Simon Bridges to the Prime Minister from New Zealand Parliament on Vimeo.
