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Bridges Looks On the Bright Side

The BFD.

A Newshub article has painted Simon Bridges as an advocate of free speech for the following reasons.

  1. Because he received a backlash earlier this year when he accused Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of being a “part-time” PM
  2. Because he has said “ Bugger the PC Brigade”
  3. Because last year he joked about gender-neutrality on Radio Hauraki’s breakfast show. Suggesting that the PM’s Ardern’s baby would grow up “going to school like in boy’s clothes”.
  4. Because when ACT leader David Seymour actually did stand up for Freedom of speech Bridges described Seymour’s proposed Freedom to Speak Bill as “alluring”.

The article also highlighted how Bridges is doing a Monty Python and looking on the bright side of life.

Bridges told Magic Talk he’s comfortable with where both he and his party are at as the 2020 general election looms, with National ahead in the polls.

How nice that he feels comfortable with his personal polling. If I was deep in negative numbers I wouldn’t feel comfortable at all.

[…] But public support for Bridges as preferred Prime Minister is still low compared to Jacinda Ardern.

Low? Talk about hyperbole he has NEGATIVE numbers!

Despite that, Bridges looked at the bright side, pointing to his 2.5 percent increase in Newshub’s poll to 6.7 percent, behind Ardern’s 38.4 percent.
“I appreciate it’s small, but I think it does show that under my leadership – you look at both the party vote which is what really matters, and my vote – we’re doing pretty well.”


Due to the utter uselessness of the government, the National Party would be doing well under the leadership of a hedgehog. The support isn’t for National it’s against Labour. It’s an anyone but the Coalition vote. It is not earned or deserved.

Bridges can continue his Pollyanna routine but harsh reality will bite soon enough.
