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Photoshopped image credit The BFD. Rawiri Waititi.

Sir Bob Jones

Bespectacled, besuited Maori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi made his debut in Parliament on Wednesday. He has a full face tattoo, waved a Maori club and wore a stetson.

Photoshopped image credit The BFD. Rawiri Waititi.

The clear message; an attention-seeking buffoon in the eyes of 99% of the population.

Parliament is described to political science students as a talking shop. The underlying proposition is to debate policies, not show off.

Over my life, I’ve watched thousands of new MPs arrive with high expectations, and, (in the immortal and accurate words of Enoch Powell who once accurately declared that all political careers end in failure) ultimately, many after only a single term, leave hugely disappointed as they return to their former obscurity.

Few leave with a publicly respected legacy. It’s a musical chairs scenario that on my observation is largely destructive of too many participants’ lives.

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