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Suhayra Aden.

National Party Leader Judith Collins has said out loud what everyone is too scared of saying: that we shouldn’t be welcoming back an ISIS terrorist.

National Party leader Judith Collins says Suhayra Aden is a terrorist for marrying into the Islamic State “death cult”, and “poor old New Zealanders are left to pick up the pieces”.

Aden, a New Zealand citizen, was detained with her two children in Turkey in February, having crossed the Syrian border. Turkey alleged she was a wanted Islamic State, or Isis, terrorist, and intended to deport her to New Zealand.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Monday announced the Government had agreed with Turkey on a “managed return” of Aden and her two children. Ardern gave “absolute assurances” that all possible measures had been taken to ensure New Zealanders would be safe – but would not detail the arrangements were in place for legal reasons.

Collins, who as Opposition leader has had national security briefings on Aden, said she was “clearly a risk” and it was yet to be seen whether the security arrangements were sufficient.

“I don’t know that you can ever protect yourself against the hatred and vile ideology of something like the Isis death cult,” she said.

“There is a risk of spreading an evil ideology, that is absolutely committed to a death cult and the end of Western civilization … I don’t know what other threat she is but clearly the spreading of ideology of that sort is extremely harmful to New Zealand.”

Ardern has avoided saying Aden’s name and has not called her a “terrorist”. Collins said the woman was “absolutely” a terrorist, and she repeatedly called Aden a “jihadi bride” – a politicised term which has frustrated New Zealand’s Muslim community for damaging the public’s perception of them, and Islam.

As for Ardern giving assurances, we just have to ask her how successful the gun buy back was in halting gun violence on the streets of our towns and cities.

The Aussies were certainly a lot smarter than Ardern was and very quickly washed their hands of this terrorist.

“We feel very sorry for those children. Who knows what they’ve experienced in life already. They’ve got a mother who chose to leave Australia to go and join a jihadist death cult, and be part of that and be a jihadi bride – and she managed to do that three times,” she said.

“I actually am just staggered that there is anything other than poor old New Zealanders left to pick up the pieces and the Australians basically moved very fast when they saw an opportunity to take off her citizenship and leave us with the mess.

“I’m not feeling very happy about the way that Australia has behaved. And I feel very sorry for the people in New Zealand who are going to have to try and make something of this woman’s life and her children.”

That’s right, thanks to Ardern’s terror hugging ways, we are going to be paying for this terrorist for the foreseeable future.

I have little doubt that the media will make a martyr out of this terrorist. We will get the poor wee thing sob story, and how she was duped, three times mind, about what life would be like.

But the bottom line is while the government talks a big game on addressing terrorism it seems proven Muslim terrorists get a free pass while the government seeks to persecute innocent gun owners and label everyone who opposes them as white supremacists and racists.

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