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Sam Uffindell
Sam Uffindell

I was doing some research into National’s new candidate for Tauranga, Sam Uffindell. It struck me that there really was very little information out there about him.

The more I dug, the less I found. The guy is a ghost on social media and barely registers in a Google search.

But then I looked at the jobs he has held for the past 15 years, and realised they are the sorts of jobs that would mean serious background checking, and necessitate a low profile.

I am seriously impressed with his CV, and I could see him being useful in any government that wants to get to grips with how government departments hide expenditure.

If I were his boss I’d send him after all the billions spent under the guise of Covid spending, then look into co-governance spending and health spending. I’m sure he’d get to the bottom of things pretty quick smart.

But it still leaves me in a bit of a quandary. Just who is this guy?

So I need your help, particularly those who live in Tauranga. Can you let me know via the tipline anything at all about Sam Uffindell, so I can form an even better opinion about the fellow.

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