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Can You Imagine the Squealing If I Tried This?

The BFD Photoshopped image credit Cam Slater

Martyn Bradbury and his sidekick Matt McCarten are establishing an employer bullying scheme where they intend to essentially blackmail employers into behaving the way they want them to; otherwise, they will get smeared all over Martyn Bradbury’s website.

It’s a serene, sunny Sunday summer’s morning in the suburbs. Only birdsong and the odd lawnmower punctuate the serenity. Then a flame-red truck rolls around the corner and disgorges a uniformed squad of union activists, who leaflet-drop your neighbours, chant, sing, and organise a picket line at your front fence.

This, says, Matt McCarten, is utu. After three years of “plotting in the dark” since his exit from the Labour Party’s high command, this is his solution for worker exploitation.

The targets for his Sunday “church for sinners” will be the recalcitrant employers whom he cannot get to the negotiating table to hear complaints against them of bullying, sexual harassment and migrant exploitation.


This is the same Matt McCarten to whom I highlighted the migrant exploitation of Filipino workers at the Dotcom mansion in 2014. He did nothing to help them. Little did I know that he was working closely with Dotcom and/or David Cunliffe at the time.

This appears to be nothing more than a shabby stand-over and possibly extortion or blackmailing. I guess we shouldn’t expect too much from a union bovver boy.

He’ll publish stories on Martyn Bradbury’s Daily Blog, use a social media team to disseminate it further, publish their names, photographs, home address and phone numbers. “I am going to be quite hardline on this,” he says, “and I know there will be some pushback.”


This is called doxxing, and is a particularly nasty tactic often employed by the hard left in an attempt to silence people. Doxxing can also lead to people committing suicide.

They’ve done this before, to me and my associates in the wake of Nicky Hagar’s shabby little attempt at trying to silence me.

That leaves most reliant on advocates such as McCarten, many of whom work on a percentage of the settlement. McCarten says One Union will take a case through to mediation for $500, payment deferred if the client can’t afford it, and ask for a voluntary donation of 10% of any settlement towards the union fighting fund – and he’ll cover his own wage through demanding his costs from the employer.


So they are guns for hire. They are doing this for profit. That probably also crosses the threshold for blackmail, extortion and menacing.

Stuff’s article on this bullying scheme was almost a promotion.

If I did this sort of thing there would be howls of outrage all over Twitter and David Fisher, Matt Nippert and other mooches in the media would be hounding anyone associated with me in the scheme.

So far it’s been crickets from them.

The BFD Photoshopped image credit Cam Slater
