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They’re Not Giving You All the Science

Transcriber B

Transcribing missed information for the historical record since 2021.

Source video:
Carrie, posted September 17, 2023

CARRIE SAKAMOTO: Thank you for being here and sharing my journey. I haven’t been on here very much. I’ve had a few things going on. Mainly, right now it’s my memory. It’s disappearing. And it’s disappearing quickly. And the doctors are trying to figure out what’s wrong so we can stop whatever’s going on. So to make videos is really difficult. I can’t remember what I’m supposed to be saying. I think of ideas but the anxiety I get about making videos is pretty intense. I’ve never had anxiety before so this is very new to me. I don’t really know how to handle anxiety.

I came across a guy on here who smells Vicks Vaporub, he puts it on, I used that and it helped a lot. So anyone who’s suffering with anxiety, that trick worked for me.

There’s a lot of stuff in the news right now about vaccines and how they’re rolling out the new set, the new vaccine. There’s going to be a lot more people like me. There’s going to be a lot more people like me. Are you prepared? Are you ready to make an informed decision? Because they haven’t released how many vaccine injuries there are to date. Ask. Go ask the Canadian government, what are the numbers on vaccine injuries? Because they won’t share it. This is information that everybody should know. This should be part of informed consent. Everyone should know that these things can and are happening.

And to be giving it to our children now is crazy. It’s crazy! It makes my body vibrate when I think about how they’re pushing this new vaccine already and they are not releasing any of the damages that the first ones did.

Very few people have been reported on. My case has been proven, and mainstream media still won’t touch me.

So are you ready to make this decision? Because once it’s in your body, you can’t do anything about it. It has destroyed everything in my body. It is destroying my mind. It is taking my memories.

I only have one sister. My parents are dead. The memories I have of them are disappearing. And I can’t get them back. I have no one to talk to to ask. They’re dead.

This isn’t just happening to me. I came across a couple women on here that are losing their memories.

Are you willing to lose your memory? Your livelihood? For a potion that may or may not work? Come on, people, give your heads a shake. They say follow the science, but they’re not giving you all the science. Where is all the science? Nobody’s studying people like me to find out what happened. So how can they say they’re following the science and that it’s safe and effective. That’s bullsh#t. I call bullsh#t!



Following her second jab, Pfizer, in July of 2021, Carrie Sakamoto of Lethbridge, Alberta, fell ill with nausea, severe vertigo,  Bell’s Palsy and brain swelling. She was in the hospital for 17 days. She has also suffered hearing loss and trigeminal neuralgia. Her application to Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program was accepted on March 1, 2023. For more details, see “Alberta woman’s COVID-19 vax injury vindicated by federal compensation” by Lee Harding, Western Standard, March 12, 2023

With the aim of helping other injured vaccinees, Carrie Sakamoto has posted several other videos about her injuries and her application to the Vaccine Injury Support Program on her TikTok channel, CanadianFlowers.
