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What could possibly go wrong? The BFD.

Now, call me crazy, but if I was being persecuted so badly that I had to flee my country, I’d be happy to go anywhere I’d be safe. Strangely, though, millions of “migrants” — or what, in more honest times, we once called “illegal immigrants” — aren’t content with just anywhere. Instead, beggars apparently being choosers now, they have an odd habit of travelling halfway around the world, to Western countries that — just coincidentally — have astonishingly generous welfare systems.

Not to mention a noisy gaggle of activists all too keen to ship the excess population of the Third World to the West.

The Government’s plan to deport people to Rwanda ‘shames Britain’, according to the entire senior leadership of the Church of England.

Is there anything more annoying than a wokester in a cassock?

Boris Johnson’s administration looks set to push ahead with the move to fly people who have entered the UK illegally to the east African country for processing – regardless of how few may be left on board after legal interventions.

Senior Church of England bishops, including the archbishops of Canterbury and York, have once again hit out at the plan, which has been horrified experts, immigration groups and asylum seekers.

Yet supported by the British public.

The self-righteous blatherskites can witter all they like about “our Christian heritage”, but they’ve apparently forgotten Paul’s injunction to “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established”. Anyone entering the UK illegally is clearly violating one of the most important passages in the New Testament: which has uniquely separated church from state in the West.

Boris Johnson and other Cabinet ministers hit back at Mr Welby for his intervention in April […]

A Government spokesperson said: ‘Our world-leading Partnership with Rwanda will see those making dangerous, unnecessary and illegal journeys to the UK relocated there to have their claims considered and rebuild their lives.


If they really do just want to be safe, then Rwanda — despite its past, “a fundamentally safe and secure country with a track record of supporting asylum seekers” — will do?

Unless, of course, it’s all about economic migration.

In which case, as Spectator columnist Rod Liddle says, ship them out of Britain like the Berlin Airlift: one every 30 seconds.

If only an Australian government had the guts to do the same with the tens of thousands of freeloaders who’ve crashed our borders and burdened our welfare systems for the past couple of decades.
