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Image credit The BFD.

“Cat Lady” Is a psychological horror game from 2012, which was the second part of a trilogy called “The Devil came through Here”.

Image credit The BFD.

What happened when the red curtain was pulled back at the United Nations General Assembly recently was the most hypocritical pantomime I’ve ever had the misfortune to watch in my life. Centre stage was the Cat Lady herself, the Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern.

This was really a ‘job interview’ for the United Nations, as falling polls consistently say she will not be Prime Minister in New Zealand in 2023. All the bases for this ‘job interview’ were covered like Climate Change, Human Rights, UN Veto, Ukraine War, and UN Agenda 2030.

But typical of Ardern’s style, she had to “push the envelope” and say “Words are a weapon of war” and call for global censorship of the internet.

She believes that the corporates are not doing enough to suppress misinformation and disinformation. For instance, she asked how can we deal with Climate Change if some people don’t even believe it exists. The freedom to believe what we choose is called freedom of speech by some people but it is not a freedom that Ardern supports.

Ardern then brought “Human Rights” into it. You might have expected that she would mention the many instances where these rights were being taken away like sex trafficking, the Uighurs, Iranian women being forced to wear hijabs, religious and ethnic wars, or the Russian-Ukrainian war, but none of them was mentioned.

Instead, she linked Human rights with “Hate Speech”. This presumably describes speech and ideas that she does not agree with. Her solution to “Hate Speech” is something she called “automated curating”.

She complained that “Internet Freedom” disrupts communities and causes “chaos”.

Kiwis who lived overseas at the start of the pandemic know all about chaos. As New Zealand citizens they could not return to their own country for two years and were therefore unable to be at the deaths of their loved ones in rest homes. One famous case of locked-out citizens was pregnant journalist Charlotte Bellis who was refused re-entry to New Zealand while in Qatar and had to go to the Taliban for help.

While Internet purveyors overseas might be stunned by the Cat Lady’s meows, we in New Zealand have had a steady diet of propaganda, thanks to the Public interest Journalism Fund of $55m being allocated to Jacinda’s acolytes.

Ardern’s infamous “We are the only Source of Truth” video has gone viral.

It was hot on the heels of another video when she agreed with a journalist that we have “medical apartheid” in our country. This was greeted with a “Yip, Yip” from her as if it were a good thing that many people had lost their jobs because they wouldn’t take the Covid “jab”.

These comments and others are what George Orwell called “doublethink” in his book 1984. They were later called double-speak by others, with the same meaning. Orwell’s book was a satire on (among other things) Stalin’s regime, which he had encountered in the Spanish Civil war. Ardern is at present trying to present recycled Marxism to New Zealand.

New Zealand was once called the “Shaky Isles” because of its numbers of volcanoes and earthquakes. But the North, South and Stewart Island could now be more appropriately named the “Soviet Isles.”

Another example of the Cat Lady’s double-speak at the UN was that “New Zealanders are able to protest”. This may be so, but it is not encouraged.

Ardern – Hypocrisy 101. Photoshopped image credit Wibble. The BFD.

Protesters were outside parliament for 23 days in March but Ardern wouldn’t come outside to talk to them. Her cheerleaders in Parliament, like Minister Michael Wood, called the protestors “Rivers of Filth”. Her Speaker of the House turned water sprinklers on them and played “Macarena” incessantly as an audio weapon.

Ardern’s ex-Deputy Prime Minister, the Leader of New Zealand First, Winston Peters, who was her coalition Partner and helped her get into power, was banned from Parliament grounds because he visited the protest in March.

Ardern the ‘Smiling Tyrant’ could end up at the United Nations bringing in UN Agenda 2030 and WHO edicts.

The trilogy that the Cat Lady is part of is aptly named “The Devil Came Through Here”. It is no exaggeration to say this has already happened in New Zealand. But can the Devil be stopped from getting a job at the UN?

Political commentator Dan Bongino said of Ardern’s speech at the UN, “This is the most dangerous speech you will hear, this year or next year.”
