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‘Change the Date’ Changes Nothing Important

Australia Day at the Top End: no hairshirts, just celebration. The BFD. Photo: Michael S Martin. Photoshop by Lushington D. Brady.

It’s as predictable as a pigeon pooing on a freshly-washed car. It’s the highlight of every leftist miseryguts’s year: whinging and carping about Australia Day.

As in so much else surrounding “indigenous issues”, there’s a glaring disconnect between the virtue-signalling parades of city-based, overwhelmingly white, leftists and the living reality of too many Aboriginal women and children. According to the cosy, inner-city lefties, January 26 is “hurtful” and “harmful” to Aboriginal people.

According to many Aboriginal women, what’s hurtful and harmful is getting bashed by Aboriginal men. One Aboriginal woman has put her feelings into a letter published by Jacinta Nampijinpa Price.

I’ve spent an hour trying to figure out how to start this letter and there’s no easy or good way to start it, I can’t pretty it up and I can’t be sensitive because I’m just so angry.

Over the last few days we have seen The Greens party cause a huge division between us, Indigenous pitted against Indigenous, Black against whites[…]

I see so much screaming and crying over the date, the 26th of January, the national day of Australia.

Meanwhile, the issues really hurting too many Aboriginal people are completely ignored.

You have never spoken out about stopping the violence, stopping the alcoholism, stopping the child abuse and sexual assault, no, you just want to talk about how “White man” has some how oppressed you. Oppressed you? Excuse you! Most of you leading the pack are well educated, had opportunities some of us only dare dreamed about, you manipulate the mobs, especially the ones less educated or fortunate for your own selfish white hating reasons! Shame on you! Shame shame shame!

This woman’s story is a genuine horror show – and it’s all too common. And the “Change the Date” crowd are nowhere to be seen.

Where were you when I watched my mother get raped and bashed until you couldn’t recognise who she was? Where were you when he held us all hostage and tried to cut our throats? Where were you when I faced an onslaught of sexual abuse? Where were you when he chased us down and tried bashing my mothers head in with a bullroarer? Where were you when almost every night in my house something violent happened? Where were you when he’d sneak into my room like a thief in the night to steal my childhood? Where were you the first time I tried to kill myself aged 9? There’s so much more and it would take me a week to write it down, but where were you? You weren’t there and you still aren’t there!

As she goes on to say, it wasn’t the “white man” who did the bashing and raping, it wasn’t the “white man” who stole her childhood. The only real white oppression she experienced was the bigotry of low expectations that declared that it would be “racist” to do something to stop it all.

So while you’re sitting there with your privilege screaming about changing the date, I’ll be sitting here with no privilege except for what I’ve given to myself and I’ll be speaking out about the real issues and fighting for justice for myself and for every other child that is a mirror of me. Personally I’ll keep the date, some of the good memories I have is from that date, you see I spent most Australia Days with my nan, she would have BBQ’s where family and friends would get togeather and play cricket and laugh, us kids would play and play, I never wanted those days to end. My nan always taught me that it was about unity not division, she taught me not to hate, she told me stories of old passed down and from her own memories, she taught me not to hate the people of today for the sins of yesterday, my nan was all about love and without her I wouldn’t be the strong proud woman I am today. On Australia Day, celebrate don’t hate.

Caldron Pool

Celebrate Aboriginal people like this, who’ve been through hell and come out strong and positive.

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