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China Virus Cases Drop Ahead of Mass Immunisation

grayscale photo of man in t-shirt and watch holding smartphone
Photo by Obi Onyeador. The BFD

The Wuhan plague sure is a tricky little virus. It seems particularly determined to show up the arrogant bullshit of “experts” and public health bureaucrats. An endless parade of lab-coated media tarts posturing as our sole sources of truth have been continually confounded by the Chinese virus. Whether it’s defying the doom-mongering predictions of hundreds of thousands of deaths in Australia or stubbornly leaking out of supposedly world’s-best-practice hotel quarantine, the virus will do what it will do. As the evidence undeniably shows, despite politicians strutting about on their little lockdown hobby-horses, lockdowns don’t make a damn difference.

The latest “expert” opinion to take a beating from the tricky little virus is herd immunity.

For months, “experts” have been adamant that herd immunity – such as practised by Sweden – was a recipe for deaths on a scale not seen since the Black Death. The only solution, they insist, is to place the entire population under virtual house arrest until every man, woman, child and their cats and dogs submit to the rushed-to-the-market vaccines*.

Except that herd immunity seems to be kicking in long before the vaccines can possibly have taken effect.

Despite the panicked shrieking of the media, the fact is that both infections (most of which need an antibody test to even be noticeable) and hospitalisations (a minority of cases) have been steadily falling in the media’s favourite COVID whipping-boy, the US.

New infections in the US are plummeting ahead of the vaccination schedule. The BFD.
At 121,645, the average number of new daily infections is half what it was at the peak of the pandemic[…]cases and hospitalizations[…]have both been falling for the past three weeks[…]experts are encouraged, but perplexed by the decline in infections.

The tricky little virus isn’t doing what it’s supposed to. It’s supposed to have killed half the world’s population by now, surely? After all, isn’t that the justification for muzzling and locking us all up?

It’s too soon for vaccines to be a significant driver of the downturn; just 8.7 percent of the US population has had one or more shots, according to Bloomberg data, and the US is nowhere near herd immunity yet.

Or is it? One of the characteristics of the Chinese virus is just how quickly infections drop off after an outbreak. Of course, the labcoated Little Hitlers aren’t giving up on their little helper so easily.

While CDC director Dr Rochelle Walensky called this week’s encouraging downward trend in cases ‘consistent,’ Dr Shaffner echoed her warnings that the trend could be reversed by the arrival of variants and potential super-spreader events, like Super Bowl Sunday.

Already, there are at least 645 cases of the UK’s ‘super-covid’ variant in 33 states, at least five cases of the South African variant and two of the Brazilian variant in the US, in addition to several homegrown variants.

It’s almost like viruses mutate and evolve. Gosh, that’s never happened before.

The last massive surge of infections in January may mean slightly fewer people are vulnerable now because they were previously infected, the US is long way off from herd immunity.

Scientists estimate that as many as 100 million Americans, or about a third of the population, have had COVID-19. At least 70 percent of the population needs to have protection from prior infection or vaccines to reach herd immunity.

According to the “experts”. The same calibre of “experts” who predicted half a million deaths in the UK.

Not that they’re about to admit that they’ve been catastrophically wrong before. That might mean they have to give up the absolute, unelected power that the COVID panic has handed to them on a silver platter.

Instead, they’re doubling down on the ludicrous, draconian diktats.

Officials have called for better – or double – masks to be warn as COVID variants from the UK, South Africa and Brazil continue to spread across the country.

Daily Mail

At the rate we’re going, by next Christmas we’ll be wearing the whole box of masks on our heads while hunkering down, one to a room, in our welded-shut houses.


*Before anyone jumps into the comments, no, I’m not anti-vax, thanks very much.

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