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As we are all-too-aware, China has been stealing sensitive information from the West for years. The theft ranges from intellectual property worth billions a year, to scientific research, to military secrets.

Now, we learn that China has been stealing the most sensitive data of all: our DNA.

A prenatal test taken by millions of pregnant women globally — including in Australia — was developed by Chinese company BGI Group in collaboration with China’s military and is being used by the firm to collect genetic data, a Reuters investigation has discovered.

The report is the first to reveal that the company collaborated with China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to develop and improve the test, taken in early pregnancy, as well as the scope of BGI’s storage and analysis of the data.

The United States sees BGI’s efforts to collect and analyse human gene data as a national security threat.

Why would this be a threat?

For a country developing biological weapons, a DNA database of its putative enemies would be an invaluable resource.

In fact, as leaked papers have revealed, the Chinese military – who refuse to labour under such woke delusions as that “race is a social construct” – have expressed great interest in developing biological weapons tailored by race. Some even go so far as to speculate that the Chinese virus was the result of just such research.

The PLA has also used DNA data in its genocide campaigns.

BGI, China’s biggest genomics firm, began marketing the test abroad in 2013.

Branded NIFTY, it is among the world’s top selling non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPT).

These screen a sample of blood from a pregnant woman to detect abnormalities such as Down’s syndrome in a developing foetus.

So far more than 8 million women globally have taken BGI’s prenatal tests, BGI has said.

NIFTY is sold in at least 52 countries, including Australia, Britain, Europe, Canada, Thailand and India, but not the US.

BGI uses leftover blood samples sent to its laboratory in Hong Kong and genetic data from the tests for population research, the company confirmed to Reuters.

Reuters found the genetic data of more than 500 women who took the test, including women in Europe and Asia, is also stored in the government-funded China National GeneBank in Shenzhen, which BGI runs.

Unfortunately, the company was apparently able to do so completely legally because, no doubt, virtually no one using the test read or understood the TOS. The company also claims it destroys overseas samples and data after five years.

Sure it does.

The test’s privacy policy says data collected can be shared when it is “directly relevant to national security or national defence security” in China[…]

A BGI study published in 2018 used a military supercomputer to re-analyse NIFTY data and map the prevalence of viruses in Chinese women, look for indicators of mental illness in them, and single out Tibetan and Uyghur minorities to find links between their genes and their characteristics.

ABC Australia

Meanwhile, labcoated wokesters in the West are babbling that race doesn’t even exist, no more than gender.

We’re not going to win this Cold War, are we?

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