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A “Feminazi” in every sense of the word. The BFD. Photoshop Image: Twitter.

The Australian left have gone Full Brownshirt. We’re at the “compile lists of Jews” stage of Kristallnacht 2.0.

Funny how the people who’ve spent their whole lives shrieking “Nazi!” turn out to have been screeching at the mirror the whole time.

Leading Pogrom2024 is none other than Australia’s most unhinged flappy-armed frightbat, misandrist harpy Clammy Ford. What. A. Surprise.

Writer and commentator Clementine Ford on Thursday published a link on her Facebook page to the log of a group chat of over 600 Jewish writers and artists. The Age, which first reported the story, alleged the link also contained a spreadsheet of links to social media accounts and another file that contained the photos of over 100 Jewish people.

The Guardian

Tellingly, the left-wing Sydney Morning Herald refers to the New National Socialists as “anti-Zionists”.

This is common currency on the left — but try asking them to define “zionist”. Invariably all you’ll get by way of answer is a torrent of screeching abuse.

“Zionism” is, put plainly, the belief that Jews are entitled to a state in their ancient homeland of Israel.

Of course, the left explicitly reject that, every time they moronically chant the genocidal Hamas war-cry, “from the river to the sea”. But the real reason they blither about “zionists” is because they’re too cowardly to say what they really mean: the Jews.

Even the dim-bulb left can comprehend that openly screaming anti-Jewish hate is (for the time being) beyond the pale. So, they resort to threadbare circumlocutions.

Because having spent their whole lives ranting about “Nazis”, the left aren’t about to admit that they share common ideologies: socialism and hatred of Jews.

The agenda of the demented anti-Semites behind this aptly-described “Jew list” is as obvious as it is alarming.

An author who widely shared the leak of details of 600 Jewish creatives celebrated Hamas “freedom fighters” the day after the group’s October 7 atrocities and has received tens of thousands of dollars in federal grant funding.

On Friday, Victoria Police confirmed it was investigating the leaking of details of hundreds of Jewish people from a creative’s WhatsApp group, including their occupation and, in some cases, ­social media profiles and pictures.

The Weekend Australian can reveal that an apparent leader of the leak and dox, which is subject to police investigations, was ­author/illustrator Matt Chun […]

Chun, for his artistic work, received $42,000 in grants from the government-funded Creative Australia last year. He also received funding from Writers Victoria, in partnership with the Myer Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Jewish Myer family.

The Australian

Funny how this anti-Semitic terrorism supporter doesn’t extend his so-called principles as far as turning down “dirty Jew money”. Never get between a leftist and a pot of free money.
And never get between a socialist stormtrooper and law-abiding Australian Jews.

[Josh Burns], who is the federal MP for Macnamara, said it was “very distressing” to see people’s contact information be posted online.

“This is beyond the sort of trivial social media posts that some people are putting up,” he said. “This has resulted in really serious consequences where people have received death threats.”

Burns said he had been in contact with a family who had to go into hiding after receiving an “avalanche of threats” and had to switch off devices and move to a different location.

“They were completely shattered by this whole experience, where … a sort of lynch mob of people were attacking them,” he said.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s co-chief executive, Alex Ryvchin, said there was “shock and disbelief” that a list of the names of Jews was being drawn up.

The Guardian

Unfortunately, they probably shouldn’t have been shocked at all.

From the founding of the first Greens parties in Germany by a roster of ex-Nazis, to Labor’s cowardly dependence on the votes of Jew-hating Western Sydney Muslims, the left have been quietly polishing their jackboots and ironing their brown shirts, just biding their time to unleash the anti-Semitic beasts.
