Craig Rucker
It is finally arriving. Grab the popcorn, gather your family. The climate change debate is set to be rocked as CFACT’s new sceptical film, Climate Hustle 2: The Rise of the Climate Monarchy, hosted by actor Kevin Sorbo, is set for a global release online on Thursday, September 24, 2020, at 8 pm in your local time zone anywhere in the world.
The movie was set to be released in over 750 theatres in the U.S. and Canada on April 21, 2020, but then the COVID lockdowns arrived and the film was moved to September 24 to a global online release event.
The film features the reporting of Marc Morano, the number one ranked ‘climate contrarian’ in the media according to a 2019 Study in the Journal Nature. The 2020 Climate Hustle 2 is set to be a pivotal force as 2020 elections shape up to be a national referendum on the U.S.’s future regarding the Green New Deal and participation in the UN Paris Climate Pact.
“Are They Trying to Control the Climate Or You?”
Climate Hustle 2 pulls no punches and goes right to the heart of the Green New Deal and the UN Paris climate pact and exposes the motives behind the climate agenda. The film features prominent scientists, and policy experts who explain how the agenda to control the climate is about controlling YOU.
It is a film Al Gore, AOC, and the United Nations DO NOT want you to see.
Nationally syndicated columnist Cal Thomas:
“No film debunks the faith of the climate change cult better than Climate Hustle 2. And it does it with facts!”
Movie critic Christian Toto of
“Climate Hustle 2 will be the most subversive movie of the year, no doubt.”
Kevin Mooney, an investigative reporter with The Daily Signal:
“Climate Hustle 2 builds and expands on the first film’s detailed exploration of updated scientific research that debunks alarmist theories standing behind the Green New Deal.”
Michelle Stirling with Friends of Science Society:
“We are in a fight for freedom is the ultimate message of the film.”
The film profiles Vaclav Klaus, the former President of the Czech Republic,who lived under Soviet domination of his country. “The green agenda and the environmentalist agenda and the fighting climate agenda is trying to basically stop the existence of the free market system which we were fighting for and we were dreaming about in the communist era for decades,” Klaus explains in the film. “They want to dictate it, control, regulate, mastermind from above,” he added.
The film lays out the climate claims and “solutions” and devastates them with such climate experts as Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball, Greenpeace co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore, MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen, Climatologist Dr. David Legates, Nobel Prize Winning Scientist Dr. Ivar Giaever, Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack and many more.
The film features an exposé on AOC’s Green New Deal and what is really behind the plan. The film also debunks energy and climate claims made by AOC and her supporters.
Worldwide premiere event
Thursday, September 24th, 8:00 PM
Get your tickets now!
Craig Rucker is the current President of, and the co-founder of the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT).
Reprinted from PA Pundits – International
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