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The BFD.

David Seymour
ACT Leader David Seymour.

Another co-governance plan, this time for South Island water is yet another example co-governance structures put in place by both National and Labour Governments.

A plan from the Labour Government to transfer 50 per cent of publicly-owned water assets in the South Island to Ngai Tahu is no different to what National put in place around the Waikato River or the co-governance of Auckland’s volcanic mountains through Tupuna Maunga.

ACT voted against the co-governance of the Waikato River and we are the only party that has continuously stood strong against dividing New Zealand.

This is nothing but an extension of polices started under National, including co-governance of a river and a set of mountains, it’s difficult to see how this is different.

ACT has always said Treaty settlements are full and final and people shouldn’t have a seat at the table because of their ancestors.

ACT is the only party that has consistently stuck to its principles on this issue. We exist to have honest conversations about difficult issues like this and to unite New Zealanders behind good ideas.

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