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COLFO’s Draft Submission to Police Consultation on Arms Regulations

The BFD.

Michael Dowling
Council of Licenced Firearms Owners

Submissions on the proposed new regulations for firearms close in 6 days.

If these proposals go ahead, there will be significantly more regulation for dealers, security arrangements for LFOs and increased cost.

You can read our final draft submission here.

We have consulted as widely as we could in the time we have been given.

If you have feedback on our submission, please email us by 21 April.

Most of these proposals will not increase public safety. Instead they will redirect already stretched Police resources to focusing on LFOs, while illegal firearm use continue to increase.

We encourage you to put in your own submission too. You can do that here.

You don’t need to answer all of the questions. We know there is a lot and this is a busy time of year. Just focus on those that will have the most impact on you and tell them why. Often the bureaucrats don’t understand the practical impact of what they are suggesting. We need to tell them.

Just remember: it has to be in by 25 April.

PS. You may have seen that I have been appointed to the Minister’s Arms Advisory Group. While there have been many things under this Government that have been disappointing, we’re less likely to convince the Minister if we’re not in the room. If you have questions or issues we should be raising, please let me know.

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