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Press Release: National Party

Less than six weeks before the election, Labour continues to conceal its tax intentions and it’s time to come clean, National’s Finance spokesperson Paul Goldsmith says.

“Grant Robertson has made it clear that Labour wants more revenue.

“What would that mean for Kiwi taxpayers?

“In government they have demonstrated an inability to control spending, having burnt through the huge surplus they inherited from National before COVID-19 hit the economy.  

“The Green School fiasco is just the latest reminder of the poor quality and highly political nature of their spending.

“Current revenues will never be enough for Labour; they will always want more.

“Having failed with their capital gains tax, what’s plan B? Higher income taxes, wealth taxes, death duties?

“Or will they force people to pay an additional new social insurance levy? We know they are planning one, but they’re not telling New Zealanders.

“New Zealand needs something better than the tired old labour formula of ever more spending followed by higher taxes.

“National has made it clear we will not increase taxes.  Higher taxes are the last thing we need as we try to rebuild our economy.

“Instead we will offer tax relief by adjusting income tax thresholds for inflation, by cancelling the Auckland fuel tax and by allowing businesses to instantly write off new assets of up to $150,000 to encourage investment and job creation.”

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