As I said last time, I couldn’t stomach reading the whole of the Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into you-know-what. But I do think that we need to take careful notice of its recommendations and what they warn us of.
When the Covid circus started up around the beginning of 2020 it came across pretty clearly as a massive advertising campaign for something. What that something was going to be, was unclear, although it seemed more and more likely that it was going to be something they wanted to inject into the whole world’s population and something that they were going to tell us was a vaccine which alone could save us from the terrible pandemic we weren’t having.
I thought that had turned out to be correct. It seemed to be playing out that way for a while. But now they’ve done their experiment, whatever it was, and – unless there’s something we don’t know about it yet – the result wasn’t really grave enough to justify the effort that went into it. I know this will outrage some people, and it’s hard to say with all the suffering and death it has caused, but there are not enough people dying for this to be a genocide. We know from multiple sources that the crazy psychopaths who run the world want to kill most of the human population, and it isn’t achieving that. Nor do I think that they have simply failed.
The report sets out, in the blandest possible terms, the things which I think we can now take as having been the end goals all along. Here are some of them, quoted verbatim:
Make scaling-up effective testing and contact tracing part of core public health capability. Plan for a flexible range of quarantine and isolation options.
Be ready to quickly implement infection prevention and control measures.
Establish an effective all-of-government national response mechanism.
Ensure strong cross-agency leadership.
Prepare fit-for-purpose legislation.
Build strong international connections.
(Consolidated Lessons and Recommendations, p 25)
Identifying a range of quarantine and isolation options …
such as location monitoring of people in home isolation and quarantine …
preparedness to deliver contact tracing, testing, vaccination and guidance …
(p 36)
Develop a comprehensive plan for the use of international border restrictions …
A process for establishing and managing regional boundaries …
(p 37)
And don’t miss this:
Ensuring the Health Act 1956 and other relevant health legislation provide sufficient powers for an initial response to a pandemic …
and ensuring the legal framework for large-scale, centralised contact tracing is appropriate.
(p 48)
The crucial thing to bear in mind in all of this is that none of it requires a real pandemic. To begin with, the tests they use are bogus and create false statistics. Secondly, most of the perception of a pandemic is created by messaging and is unrelated to reality. Thirdly, the legislation and other facilities being put in place could be used for any emergency. It’s simply a plan for total population control at the whim of those in power. Apparently they’re hoping that this whispered message, delivered amid a cacophony of conflict over what happened and what is still happening, will go unnoticed.
It’s up to us to make sure that it doesn’t.