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Common Sense and Compassion Needed for Rental Regulations


Brooke van Velden
ACT Deputy Leader and Housing spokesperson

ACT is calling on the Government to issue exemptions and extensions for any landlord caught out by Alert Level changes when it comes to complying by the new standards.

Alert Level 4 means that tradespeople have been unable to carry out work that was required for the so-called “Healthy Homes Standards” and there will now be massive backlogs.

The Government said that all private rentals must comply within 90 days of any new or renewed tenancy after 1 July 2021.

This simply won’t be possible for some landlords now and it’s through no fault of their own.

Auckland has now been at Alert Level 4 for over a month. Landlords have lost a month, and it could be longer.

The Government’s guidelines for Alert Level 4 building, construction, and maintenance says work can only be completed if it meets criteria such as to address immediate risk to health and safety or is required for nationally important infrastructure.

The Government needs to do the kind thing and show common sense.

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