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person in blue knit cap holding clear glass tube
Photo by Dim Hou. The BFD

The writer has absolutely zero desire to be part of a vaccine trial that has not yet run the full trial course but the fascists running our lovely country have configured the rules to make it all but impossible to live a normal life here if one is part of the Untermenschen.

While it would have been unfortunate to lose several thousand dollars paid out for accommodation and a special trip on our Christmas break, we are in the fortunate financial position that we could have done so.

However, what money cannot repair was a potentially damaged relationship with our children and thus the very reluctant trip was made to the one location in our area that could provide the AstraZeneca jab.

Given that this jab uses a well-tried and proven delivery mechanism, a ‘non-replicating viral vector’ as opposed to the mRNA of Pfizer, we judged it to be the lesser of the two evils, although both insert spike proteins into one’s body.  A deal we were sure we could happily live without.

AstraZeneca was not available in NZ until 29 November and thus the earliest one could obtain their “papers” after the second dose is 27 December. Nevertheless, ‘Jackboot Jacinda’ has rolled out the two classes of people regime (“that’s what it is; yip, yip”) on 3 December punishing those who were happy to comply with her dictates but, for whatever reason, could or would not have Pfizer. Be Kind!

So how was the visit?

We were sat down and handed forms to fill in giving our consent.

Covid-19 vaccination consent form. TheBFD
COVID-19 vaccination consent form
Please let the vaccinator know:
– If you are unwell
– If you are pregnant
– If you’re on blood-thinning medications or have a bleeding disorder
– If you’ve had a previous severe allergic reaction to any vaccine or injection in the past
If you are receiving Pfizer, please let your vaccinator know:
– If you are aged under 12 years
– If you have had myocarditis or pericarditis after a vaccination in the past
If you are receiving AstraZeneca, please let your vaccinator know:
– If you are aged under 18 years
– If you’ve ever had a major clot or low blood platelets in the past, or have an autoimmune condition that means you are more likely to have a clot
– If you’ve ever had capillary leak syndrome, a rare condition causing fluid leakage from small blood vessels

So far so good.  All standard stuff.

I have read the COVID-19 information provided, and/or have had explained to me information about the COVID-19 vaccine.
I have been informed of the contraindications of the COVID-19 vaccine.
I have had a chance to ask questions and they were answered to my satisfaction.
I believe I understand the benefits and risks of COVID 19 vaccination.
I understand it is my choice to get the COVID-19 vaccination.
I understand I will need 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to be fully vaccinated.

Bit of housekeeping stuff, and then a signature and date.

I understand that I am receiving a vaccine as indicated above and understand the information given to me.

So, back to the statements:

I have read the COVID-19 information provided, and/or have had explained to me information about the COVID-19 vaccine.

There was a very informative, if not worrying sheet handed to us all about the side effects. The vaccinator spent the best part of 15 minutes going through this and answering questions, so that was acceptable.

I have been informed of the contraindications of the COVID-19 vaccine.

That got a “No” with a signature beside it as no one told me, or could tell me, what the contraindications of the vaccine are in 1, 2, 5 or 10 years’ time.

I have had a chance to ask questions and they were answered to my satisfaction

It was not the time or place to get into a scientific discussion about the long-term effects etc. The staff were simply doing their job and “following orders.”

I believe I understand the benefits and risks of COVID 19 vaccination

That one was crossed out and initialled. The jury is still out on the relative risks and benefits of this worldwide experiment.

I understand it is my choice to get the COVID-19 vaccination

Naturally, this one was also firmly crossed out and initialled.  When the choice is a “Hobson’s Choice”, to sign a statement that it was “my” choice is quite wrong.

But they kept the best for last:

I understand I will need 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to be fully vaccinated.

Now, that looks like a contract agreement to my untrained un-legal eye. An offer was made, the offer was accepted, signed and dated. Once I get the second dose I will be fully vaccinated, no need for boosters, and a vaccine pass that will never expire.     /Tui

How many people have signed these forms without thinking about what they are really signing?

And just to finish, to show they really are into joined-up thinking with this whole boondongle:
