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Conservatives Can’t Afford Not to Fight Back Any More

Spot the Difference. L-R: Communists in Spain, Red Guards in the Cultural Revolution; Marxist vigilantes today. The BFD.

There’s nothing the left hate so much as a strong, conservative woman who isn’t afraid to call out their bullshit.

It’s why they pour so much hate and vitriol on the likes of Anne Coulter, Lauren Southern, Peta Credlin and Kayleigh McEnany. The hate goes double if they’re a woman “of colour”. Which is why a Candace Owen or Jacinta Nampijinpa Price are especially vilified, almost invariably with explicitly racist slurs like “coon”.

That’s because the left, in their arrogance, assume that they ‘own’ those particular demographics, no less than in the good old days when they literally owned women and blacks.

Rita Panahi is Iranian-born, ex-Muslim and came to Australia as a refugee. Naturally, the left assume that they own her, too. And they’re furious that she’s walked off the Intersectional plantation.

But Panahi isn’t having any of it – and she’s issuing a wake-up call to the non-left mainstream. This is a Cultural Revolution. If you don’t start fighting back, the left will just keep winning.

Sky News host Rita Panahi says conservatives and the mainstream need to “wake up and realise this cultural war is real and the Left have been fighting it like hell for decades”.

It comes as many on the Left have begun pulling down historical statues, ripping iconic television and films from streaming services, and calling for a radical restructure of policing in the wake of the global Black Lives Matter movement.

Ms Panahi said the Left, who have been fighting these culture wars and have clearly “captured every public institution, they’ve been in the schools for decades” and have seemingly taken over the corporate world.

“One side’s been fighting the cultural wars and the other side’s been pretending it doesn’t matter, and it’s trivial, but it’s not a trivial thing it’s something that’s critical”.

Ms Panahi told Sky News host Paul Murray many conservatives consider “these culture wars beneath them so they don’t fight them”.

One of those public institutions captured by the left is the public service. Canberra is like another country, one which has little in common with the rest of Australia – not least that it is almost completely insulated from the consequences of its own decisions. Canberra is a micro-nation of very rich people with almost no skin in the game they play.

Rita Panahi says Canberra seems like a place “removed from reality” as those that reside there seem to be “recession proof” as many have a guaranteed government income.

“The place … doesn’t seem real,” Ms Panahi said.

“It’s just removed from reality”.

“I think that’s why that ‘Canberra bubble’ is so obsessed with some of that woke, hard-left political topics the rest of the country is just not interested in or is fairly dismissive of”.

This insulation from the lived reality of ordinary Australia, and the capture of key public institutions by the left, also explains Australia’s taxpayer-funded broadcaster.

Where, not coincidentally, Rita Panahi is an endlessly-reviled Goldstein figure.

Spot the Difference. L-R: Communists in Spain, Red Guards in the Cultural Revolution; Marxist vigilantes today. The BFD.

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