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Could Michael Baker Be Any Wronger?

michael baker
Professor of public health Michael Baker. Image credit The BFD.

Newshub have been running a story that New Zealand may be over-counting deaths, and their rent-a-mouth, the Chicken Little of the talking head scientists, Michael Baker, thinks that the rest of the world is undercounting.

Not yet we don’t, just wait. New Zealand is running six months behind the rest of the world, and we are for sure going to see excess mortality. We are already seeing it in the deaths statistics.

We must also remember that clowns like Michael Baker and even Jacinda Ardern have always claimed that vaccinations would mean people wouldn’t get sick or they wouldn’t die.

Let’s see how that stacks up, for cases:

Look at all those vaxxed people getting sick. Now let’s look at hospitalisations.

So sick they are filling up hospital beds in massive numbers while unvaccinated languish well behind.

Are you working it out yet? The vaccinations that Ardern told you would mean you won’t get sick clearly are failing bigly. Now for the real kicker…deaths…steel yourself:

Boosted deaths are almost twice “not fully vaccinated” deaths. The margin is accelerating. This should not come as a surprise to anyone; it is exactly what has happened overseas.

You start vaccinating, and voila, your case count blows out and so do the deaths, and we have only begun. There is worse to come because what these clowns fail to recognise is that we are doing exactly the same thing as elsewhere, and stupidly expecting different results.

Now, let’s get back to Baker’s claim that we are overcounting and the rest of the world is undercounting. He’s wrong of course.

The CDC in the USA is now very alarmed at the excess deaths that aren’t attributable to Covid-19.

– According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, more than 1 million excess deaths — that is, deaths in excess of the historical average — have been recorded since the COVID-19 pandemic began two years ago, and this cannot be explained by COVID-19. Deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and many other illnesses rose during that time

– Across the world, death rates have also risen in tandem with COVID shot administration, with the most-jabbed areas surpassing the least-jabbed in terms of excess mortality and COVID-related deaths

– According to Walgreens data, during the week of April 19 through 25, 2022, 13% of unvaccinated persons tested positive for COVID. Of those who received two doses five months or more ago, 23.1% tested positive, and of those who received a third dose five months or more ago, the positive rate was 26.3%. So, after the first booster shot (the third dose), people are at greatest risk of testing positive for COVID

UK government data show the all-cause mortality rate is between 100% and 300% greater among people who got their first COVID shot 21 days or more ago. The risk for all-cause death is also significantly elevated among those who got their second dose at least six months ago, and mildly elevated among those who got their third dose less than 21 days ago. As of January 2022, all who got one or more doses at least 21 days ago were dying at significantly elevated rates

– Other data also show that COVID mortality rates are far higher in areas with high vaccination rates, and risk-benefit analyses reveal the jabs do more harm than good in most age groups

Epoch Times

Michael Baker says we aren’t seeing this…but we are going to. We are behind the rest of the world and I’m buggered if I know how he thinks we are going to get a different outcome.

But it gets worse: if you get your booster, you are, contrary to the claims of useful idiots like Baker and outright charlatans like Ardern, MORE likely to get Covid.

As reported by investigative journalist Jeffrey Jaxen in the April 22, 2022, Highwire video above, data from Walgreens’ COVID-19 tracker[6] reveal that COVID-jabbed individuals are testing positive for COVID at higher rates than the unjabbed. What’s more, people who got their last shot five months or more ago have the highest risk.

As you can see in the screenshot below, during the week of April 19 through 25, 2022, 13% of unvaccinated tested positive for COVID (with Omicron being the predominant variant). (The data reviewed by Jaxen are from the week of April 10 through 16.)

Of those who received two doses five months or more ago, 23.1% tested positive, and of those who received a third dose five months or more ago, the positive rate was 26.3%. So, after the first booster shot (the third dose), people are at greatest risk of testing positive for COVID.
A deeper dive into the data reveals that two doses appear to have been protective for a short while, but after five months, it becomes net harmful. The group faring worst of all is the 12 to 17 cohort, where no one with one dose tested positive, but after the second dose, cases suddenly appear, and get higher still after five months. After the third dose, positive cases drop a bit, but then shoot up higher than ever after five months.

Scroll back up and look at the New Zealand statistics. That is precisely what we are seeing. Boosted people catching Covid more than any others, getting sicker than others and dropping dead more than others.

Ahhh…some will now say…”base rate fallacy”…so let’s look at cases per 100,000:

That’s right, the unvaccinated have consistently had the lowest cases per 100,000, and boosted has now overtaken fully vaccinated with a higher case rate per 100,000 and climbing. Boosted is now nearly three times higher than unvaccinated. Just like what we have seen overseas.

Seriously, if you are still contemplating rolling up your sleeve for a booster then you really are winning the stupid stakes. I’m actually not sorry for saying that. It beggars belief that people don’t inform themselves, or if they do take the ostrich approach.

We are witnessing pure evil, where the very thing they’ve told us will save you is actually killing people. It disgusts me that people just will not see.

But there is literally nothing more I can do except provide you with the facts. Because you certainly can’t rely on Big Pharma, or Big Government or the mainstream media.

The real tragedy is you can’t de-vaccinate yourself, even if the whole truth comes out. It’s too late, and we won’t see the real consequences of this mass delusion for at least a decade. We are already seeing health statistics emerge that can only be explained because of mass vaccination.

We’ve been lied to, we’ve been gas lit, we’ve been violently oppressed, and it was all to get needles into people’s arms, for a disease that statistically kills almost no one.

If you aren’t angry by now, you should be.

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