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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke



You will have noticed that on many occasions I have dismissed socialists in New Zealand as ‘ignorant’. I do this with some justification as time and again they demonstrate they know nothing of history, are intellectually shallow, and follow ideology and dogma no matter how ludicrous. It’s very infantile and embarrassing. Free thinkers they sure ain’t, folks!

However, this mass ignorance amongst our political opponents does have its positive side as we could very well be about to discover.

Credit: New Zealand Labour Party –, Fair use,

Yesterday morning I returned from a short fishing trip and have been going around the traps reading various New Zealand news sites and ‘blogs’ (something I don’t normally do, by the way) where it appears the Socialist party intend to launch a modern day “Citizens for Rowling” campaign. The cynic in me wonders, in all seriousness, if everyone in the Socialist party is so ignorant that they are unaware of that disastrous own goal from the mid-70s? Either way, oh boy, could we really be so lucky?

Ardern has been in America and slobbered over by “the usual suspects”. The line being followed is “Oh she’s such a nice person”, and all sorts of nonentity types dutifully nod their heads in agreement. Proof of this is that lots and lots of famous, prominent people all over the world are in complete agreement too. No doubt such a campaign will be expanded with increasingly embarrassing head nodding by ‘Bill the baker’, ‘Sue the hairdresser’, ‘Tom the truck driver’ and various other ‘ordinary’ folk all fully in agreement that Jacinda Ardern is indeed a ‘nice’ person full of ‘kindness’.

Presumably, the implication is that she is kind in contrast to her supposedly ‘nasty’ opponents. When various men and women in the street fluff their lines and fail to mention this, no doubt the Socialists will run another ‘attack’ ad blatantly saying it. (‘We said the National leader is a rotter – and here’s the link to the advert which says so!’)….*sigh*

As food prices, electricity prices, rents, interest rates, petrol prices, clothing, shoes, and 1001 other items all soar in price, causing even more unease – if not downright panic – throughout the land, the socialists will hastily scold the population with “But Jacinda Ardern is a nice person, unlike everyone else.” It implies you are morally repugnant for daring not to fully support her.

After all, what sort of dastardly rotter doesn’t like ‘nice’ people?!

As a political strategy, it makes the National/ACT job of changing the government that much easier as a similar campaign failed miserably back in 1975 when directed against Rob Muldoon. Goodness knows why these fools think it could work this time!

It also is an admission from the Socialists that they have nothing much to say, can’t think of any particularly plausible reason as to why they should be re-elected, and fully accept that 100% of their policies have failed 100% of the time.

On the other hand, and for my own sardonic amusement, I am starting the clock on how soon Luxon/Bishop/Willis will start hanging their heads in shame with a ‘Yes we are thoroughly morally repugnant, rotten people for daring to oppose that “nice” Jacinda Ardern’ in typical National party fashion of worshipping at the Altar of Socialist wisdom and accepting – without question – whatever their opponents say about them.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke
