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Image credit The BFD.

Isn’t it funny that the counter-protesters had a sign that said “who elected you?” when they are the exact same people trying to prevent the protesters from either standing or being elected to councils!

From their signs, it seems that what they meant by “counter protest” was shouting out “Raaaaaycisttt…” as loud as they could to drown everyone else out.

“Brian Tamaki is a…raaaayciiiist!” “Chantelle Baker is a raaaacist…” “TFRC are raaaycciiiist…”

Counter protest 23 Aug 2022. Image credit The BFD.

It is also amusing that the counter-protesters appeared to be 90+% white, waving “no room for racism” signs at a bunch of diverse people that included lots and lots of brown faces.

Ardern said that she didn’t know what yesterday’s protest was about.

Maybe she should ask what the counter-protest was about.  If their signs all said “you are all bigots”, then what exactly were they protesting against?

It didn’t sound like they were protesting against anything that the protesters were protesting about.

Let’s face it, the so-called “counter-protest” were just Ardern worshippers and pro-co-governance activists (or perhaps more accurately those pro gravy train versus those anti gravy train).


Interesting how they helpfully labelled themselves…snigger

Image credit The BFD.


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