Public distrust of the heath system and disillusionment with the medical profession is alive and well in New Zealand. As we take stock of the last few years, it is clear the collateral damage has taken its toll in many ways, but the remedy as to how we can heal the damage is uncertain. Dr Anna Goodwin penned a reasoned plea to the Director-General of Health and Minister of Health with her professional and personal insight into this dire situation but has not received a reply. We wonder did it fall on deaf ears and hardened hearts?
Coupled with Kiwis’ distrust of the public health system there is another festering wound involving the Medical Council of New Zealand which continues to hound and persecute doctors for the supposed crime of caring for humanity. The doctors involved are the honest and caring medical professionals who put their patients and ethics first, and upheld their Hippocratic Oath of ‘First Do No Harm’ and did not go along with the government narrative of the day.
Since Dr Goodwin’s letter was sent, the new coalition government announced a more legitimate and wide ranging Covid-19 inquiry starting in November 2024. This new investigation demonstrates how the voices of the people have the power to bring about change and we sincerely hope this can be a step towards positive transformation of our public health system.
Medical tyranny adds to distrust and disillusionment in the NZ health system
Dr Anna Goodwin experienced the “backdoor” retribution from the MCNZ initially in 2013 due to her opposition to community water fluoridation when they trumped up an allegation that had already been properly adjudicated and dismissed. The timing was clearly intended to make her “shut up” about fluoride and silence her voice. The matter was resolved without consequence except for the stress and attorney fees incurred by Dr Goodwin.
The MCNZ then engaged in a sham review proceeding in 2019 which flowed from a vexatious complaint from a hostile commercial competitor. The outcome was predetermined (unlawful) and despite four “Council reviews”, showing no evidence of harm, her evidence was never given any weight or proper consideration.
In the absence of harm, or any legitimate complaint from her patients, the MCNZ imposed disproportionate conditions on her practice which were tantamount to ritual humiliation and involuntary servitude. This resulted in a “no confidence in MCNZ proceedings” vote from Dr Goodwin and she retracted her own APC and registration in May 2020, due to the procedural failures of the MCNZ.
In violation of section 35 of the HPCAA 2003, the MCNZ then maliciously reported these unwarranted conditions to international regulatory authorities, just as they have done with Dr Miles Wislang and others. This act of defamation, though utilised frequently against the disfavoured, is ultra vires and not actually permitted under their enabling statute (HPCAA 2003).
Due to repeated targeting and disproportionate punishments imposed, Dr Goodwin filed a claim with the Human Rights Commission in 2020. Her substantive claim then proceeded to the Human Rights Review Tribunal in 2021. The MCNZ filed a motion to strike her claim in December 2021. A motion to strike can only be granted if a claim is without substance. In almost four years, the motion to strike has not been granted, so it would seem that the complaint is, in fact substantive, but the Tribunal is paralysed with fear of the MCNZ. Justice delayed is justice denied.
It would seem that the Courts and Tribunals of New Zealand, like all New Zealand doctors, are also afraid of the Medical Council and the apparent corporate powers behind them. The courts do their bidding without apparent regard to the truth. This has allowed endless stalling and/or the repeated egregious miscarriage of justice against people of conscience who might challenge the corporate pharmaceutical industrial state or its narrative. It has allowed censorship through economic extortion of physicians. This has, too often, led to physician suicide, burnout and attrition. It has needlessly destroyed physician reputations, careers and families. It has deprived New Zealanders of an increasingly scarce resource (competent, caring doctors) and taken our health care system to the brink.
It is time for the Covid charade and the targeting and disproportionate punishment of dissenting voices to stop. It seems our health regulators have always been more about censorship than “promoting good medicine” or “protecting health”. Dr Goodwin hoped that the Director General of Health and the Minister of Health would be able to restore some humanity to the Medical Council and begin rebuilding some trust in our health system. So far, she has been disappointed and has received no reply to her plea for help on behalf of the profession from its top leadership.
Read Dr Goodwin’s Letter: Distrust and disillusionment in the NZ health system and the medical profession
June 3, 2024
To the Honourable Minister of Health and
The Director General of Health:
Dear Drs Reti and Sarfati,
I have tried, in a number of contexts and situations over the years, to engage with each of you separately as physicians and scientists with a greater level of understanding than most of your predecessors that have stood in your respective positions. This also implies perhaps a greater level of fiducial responsibility on your part, not only to patients and health consumers, but to the sanctity of our NZ health professions. I have followed your work, attended your lectures (on and offline), and believe both of you to be possessed of great intellect and some integrity. I am writing to you as an individual and not on behalf of any organisation.
As the Health Minister and Director General of Health of New Zealand, I am asking for both of you to take on the mantle of responsibility for helping to restore the public trust in the medical profession. The forced experimentation that was perpetrated on the NZ public by the Ardern regime, and all the totalitarian measures which deprived New Zealanders of essential human rights, has left profound public distrust of the health system and severe disillusionment, with the entire medical profession, in its wake. Many of us who challenged the public health narrative on fluoride and Covid-19 have been censured and persecuted even to this day. The physician:patient relationship was fractured to its core by the government regulators unlawfully making doctors the instruments of unconsented medical treatment and experimentation during Covid-19 (by errant “guidance”); and hamstringing the options for early treatment of Covid-19.
The National Coalition government has been slow in getting off the blocks to distinguish itself from the Labour government. It has proposed only a “soft serve” Covid-19 inquiry that fails to address the hard realities of obvious excess mortality and profound irreversible injuries in those who received the mRNA inoculation for Covid-19. It has continued to tout the dangerous and ineffective mRNA inoculation as “safe and effective” long after burgeoning data showed otherwise. It has repeatedly ignored concerns repeatedly raised by NZDSOS and other credible international and Australasian medical authorities.
In a time of profound budgetary shortfalls, and economic hardship for our country, Health regulators are continuing a big spend of limited resources to persecute doctors and health professionals who challenged the public health narrative in 2021. All of those still being persecuted have been vindicated in their concerns and there is no legitimate public interest in their prosecution by the Medical Council, the HDC or the HPDT. These organizations have acted ultra vires to their statutory role, as there was never enabling legislation giving them powers to enforce the public health narrative, deprive patients of their human rights, or to forcefully violate the physician:patient relationship which is necessarily based upon a high level of trust that is underpinned by informed consent. This violated both domestic and international laws and the rules and principles of Equity which undergird them all.
The Labour government decimated that high level of trust, and the National coalition has done little to restore this trust, so far, by carrying over the corporate narrative and the persecution of dissenting doctors that was started under Ms Ardern’s totalitarian regime.
There has been no allegation of harm caused by these physicians to anyone (except the credibility of the NZ government which was tarnished by its own hand through despotic behaviour). It can only be seen as the NZ government, now under National leadership, still “carrying water” for Pfizer and promoting medical fascism. When government serves conflicted corporations and puts corporate interests above those of the electorate which entrusted them, the result is medical fascism. This has never gone well for humanity. It is repugnant to the rule of law and to the notion of individual liberty, freedom, and bodily sovereignty. It is the mark of a government gone rogue.
The MCNZ no longer requires doctors to keep silent about vaccine dangers and unknowns. The Medical Council of New Zealand’s April 2021 Guidance was revoked on 13 September 2023, stating that “Medical Council of New Zealand no longer provides the Guidance Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine and Your Professional Responsibility as a current expectation for doctors.”
I am asking you, as physicians and scientists, who are the pinnacle of health care leadership in New Zealand, to consider your sacred oath to heal humanity, honour the profession, and respond by ending all of the unethical, amoral, pogroms begun in the “Covid era”. These pogroms are now moot and ongoing proceedings carried over from 2021 are now a wholly inappropriate use of the public purse and increasingly scarce resources.
In so doing, you may be found on the right side of history. This will allow healing to begin instead of turning the knife in the cancerous wound created by the Ardern regime under the guidance of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. The lies and deception of the Covid Era cannot be suppressed in the light of truth and justice. I am asking you, for the sake of the health of your country, and the health profession, to order an immediate end to the jabs, and the persecution of doctors and other health professionals charged with claims under Covid-19 guidance and policies that no longer serve the people of New Zealand. These prosecutions should immediately cease and desist in the name of God and all that remains decent in our nation. I would be grateful for your reply but even more grateful for meaningful action to end the residual Covid tyranny.
Retired Oncologist, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Fellow Australasian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine
Fellow Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
NZ Natural Health Practitioner
For further reading on the persecution of doctors see:
- The Covid-19 Witch Hunts
- NZ Doctors – Truth & Justice?
- Why Did Fearless Doctors Speak Up Against the C-19 Measures? Were They Right?
This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science.