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The BFD.

Some people really should be dragged out and pelted with rotten fruit.

A motorhome resident has gone to court claiming the looming coronavirus lockdown would make him unlawfully detained.
[…] Prescott sued the Government after Jacinda Ardern’s announcement of a national lock down from 11:59 pm Wednesday.
He said his home was a motorhome which had no warrant in a Whangapar?oa storage yard. The yard, deemed a non-essential service in the lockdown lexicon, was about to close its gates and lock up.
[…] But Justice Simon Moore said any detention would be at Prescott’s will.
It was Prescott’s choice to stay or go from the yard, Justice Moore added.
“I accept that being locked inside the yard may well cause personal inconvenience, even hardship, but that is an inevitable consequence of the government’s declaration of Level 4 and the declaration of a state of emergency.”

It’s not all about you Mr Prescott. Take your selfish carcass into your campervan and shut the door. You should have parked it outside the yard when you had the chance.


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