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We are at

Level 4

of New Zealand’s four-level COVID-19 alert system. It is likely Level 4 measures will stay in place for a number of weeks. More information on alert levels.

  • Everyone must now stay home, except those providing essential services.
  • Only make physical contact with those that you live with.

Government COVID-19 Response Briefing

The All of Government COVID-19 National Response will provide an update at 1.00 pm today.


  • Mike Bush, Commissioner of Police – update on Covid-19 national response
  • Dr Ashley Bloomfield,  Director-General of Health – health update

Ministry of Health Update:

  • 76 new confirmed and 13 new probable cases – or 89 new cases in total.
  • 797 is new total cases
  • 2563 tests were processed yesterday
  • 92 of those people have recovered.
  • The highest number of cases have been in Southern, Auckland, Waitemata, and Waikato.
  • Flu vaccine: there are distribution problems with the flu vaccine. Says more are arriving onshore and some of existing stock is being redistributed.

Police Update:

  • Issues are clarity on what can and can’t be done
  • Increase in family violence.
  • More cops are being deployed to the Far North.
  • 9000 PPE kits sent to front line Police
  • Bush says there has four – possibly five – arrests over lockdown breaches.

Yesterday’s details:

  • 47 new confirmed cases and 14 probable cases.
  • 708 total cases
  • 82 recovered
  • 14 cases in hospital, 2 in ICU
  • New case definition for health professionals to test possible Covid-19 cases will be released this afternoon
  • Testing capacity is currently 3700 tests

COVID-19 – current cases


 Total to dateNew in last 24 hours
Number of confirmed cases in New Zealand72376
Number of probable cases7413
Number of confirmed and probable cases79789
Number of cases in hospital13
Number of recovered cases9210
Number of deaths1 

* Note – a person is defined as recovered if they have been without symptoms for 48 hours.

View full details of the confirmed cases.

View details of significant COVID-19 clusters.

View interactive map and dashboard.

Confirmed and probable cases by DHB

Download the Map of confirmed and probable cases by DHB (PDF, 282 KB).

DHBTotal cases
Bay of Plenty21
Capital and Coast63
Counties Manukau59
Hawke’s Bay19
Hutt Valley15
Nelson Marlborough27
South Canterbury10
West Coast3

Ethnicity percentages of all cases

EthnicityNo. of cases
European or Other569
Middle Eastern / Latin American / African21
Pacific People23


This information refers to the 708 confirmed and probable cases as at 9.00 am 1 April 2020.

This information refers to the 797 confirmed and probable cases as at 9.00 am 2 April 2020.

Source of transmission % of cases
Recent overseas travel51%
Contact with known case31%
Community transmission1%
Source under investigation17%

This information refers to the 708 confirmed and probable cases as at 9.00 am 1 April 2020.

Lab testing

Lab testingTestsDate range
7-day rolling average1,835 (per day)26 March – 1 April 2020
Total lab tests to date26,0153 March – 1 April 2020


It’s Not Bullying

It’s Not Bullying

The media are the biggest cry-bullies there are. They are wailing because Google is going to walk if they end up being taxed to protect failing media companies.

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