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Photo by Hello I’m Nik. The BFD.

Marc Grey

In three previous articles various aspects of the novel covid vaccines were examined, While it was possible to discuss the design/formulation of them, we could essentially only speculate about what might happen with respect to adverse reactions and other risks.

Now we are rolling out the vaccine here, so it is timely to look at what happened.

Firstly our government chose to treat us all like fools and lie by omission in the “Our COVID-19 vaccination plan” document that was distributed in the mail:

“Medsafe only grants consent for a vaccine to be used in New Zealand once they are satisfied it’s safe and effective to use”.

No mention of the 58 conditions and the restriction of administration to a “limited number of patients”. The restriction meant that the rollout was in breach of the Medicines Act once the plans to vaccinate the whole country were announced. This shambles was ‘resolved’ by amending the Act under urgency. The website does say the word “conditions” (this may have been amended recently, however).

In another piece of poor planning, it turned out that instead of being “at the head of the queue” for four different vaccines, we had no concrete process in place for securing any! However, we did secure a larger order for the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, with the Janssen viral vector one queued up as backup. At time of writing, only the Pfizer vaccine has been administered here.

On a positive note, fears of widespread Antigen Dependent Enhancement resulting in a mass dying of the vaccinated did not eventuate! This appears to be because researchers solved this issue in 2005 (An article by ‘Pink Hair’ alerted the author to this, but she didn’t provide the citation).

In a less positive development, these vaccines appear to cause a number of very serious adverse reactions: blood clots and heart inflammation and attacks. Some countries have suspended rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine due (in part) to this. In the US, the CDC met to discuss the heart inflammation issue.

It is hard to know the overall seriousness of these reactions as in a large worldwide rollout of a vaccine there will be a lot of serious (and terminal) adverse patient events that are correlated with vaccine administration – but not necessarily caused by it. Also (predictably), the pro covid vaccine crowd is pushing messaging saying precisely that, and the anti covid vaccine crowd are highlighting any reaction as vaccine-caused and grounds for stopping the rollout. This conflict is not helping. However, the fact that covid itself is known to cause blood clots is suggestive of a causal relationship there, and the CDC meeting about heart inflammation is suggestive also.

We are monitoring adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine. However, the coarseness of the categories (non-serious and serious) and the heavily filtered and summarised results make it impossible to (say) display how many people have died (or had blood clots) since we started administration. The notes state one case of heart inflammation in the latest (8 May) report. This lack of transparency does little to help the ‘vaccine hesitant’ decide one way or the other.

A new concern – predominantly with the mRNA vaccines – is that the spike protein itself is a toxin and gets released around the body causing damage and inflammation. Concern about the exact mechanics of spike protein production in the vaccine co-opted cells is warranted – since it is relatively unknown and only a few research papers have started to look at it in detail.

The basic concerns are:

  • Is the spike protein used in the vaccine toxic?
  • Do the lipid nano particles move away from the injection site?
  • Do the spike proteins detach from the cells where they are made and flow around the body?
  • How long and how many spike proteins get made by the co-opted cells?

There is now fierce debate about the toxicity of the spike protein (e.g here, here, here and here). There seems to be an element of trying to have it both ways in some of these articles: e.g. arguing that the vaccine spike and the virus spike are completely different, yet similar enough to be a good base for producing the right antibodies! Indeed, it is worth noting that the two mRNA vaccines encode the full length spike protein. On the other hand, it is fair to note that a spike protein by itself and one embedded in a virus are not the same – a virus has a toolkit of enzymes to enable it to do things a bare protein cannot do. Also, some of the studies showing the bare protein toxicity used unrealistically high concentrations. So overall, grounds for concern but more data is needed here.

With respect to lipid nanoparticle movement away from the injection site, it seems that there is some. A study of an mRNA flu vaccine in mice found RNA from the vaccine in most parts of the mouse body!  A new very interesting study found traces of the spike protein in blood plasma. However, it should be noted that both these studies detected very small concentrations.

The standard narrative is that spike proteins produced by the vaccine co-opted cells stay on the cell wall. However, even some overly simple presentations suggest that the body’s immune system will destroy many of these cells – releasing spike proteins into the blood or lymph system. Also, note the previously cited papers are finding spike proteins!

Lastly, how long does this ‘using our body as a vaccine factory’ continue for? The standard narrative is ‘about the same as a normal vaccine process’. The previously cited papers noted reductions in spike or RNA fragment concentrations over time, which suggests that the narrative may be correct here. The second part of this question – how many spike proteins get manufactured, and is that too many? We need more data here. At the risk of sounding like a broken record: these sorts of things are usually ironed out during the normal Phase 1-3 process. However, they have been attenuated or run in parallel for the covid vaccines.

So, in conclusion, there are still plenty of things to ‘make you go hmmm’, and all these are made more concerning due to the rushed vaccine implementation, combined with increasing propaganda to ‘get the jab’!

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