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Money and cash

JM White

Those who were our ‘leaders’ in the time of Covid, who forced many elderly rest home residents to die frightened and alone during the years from 2020 to 2023 and called it ‘kindness’ and ‘protection’, who locked adults and children in their homes, who made everyone, even toddlers, wear masks, and who subjected an entire population to wartime levels of propaganda to coerce them into doing something against their will, are still there, living it up.

Although Ardern has slithered away, Covid-19 Response Minister Hipkins, National’s Covid-19 spokesman Chris Bishop, Marama Davidson (always concerned about the low vaccination rates in iwi), and the rest of them, including PM Luxon, are still there – with the exception of Michael ‘river of filth’ Wood of course. He got a bit overexcited as he watched the people struggling against Mallard’s attacks and his tongue ran away with him. He has been sent to political purgatory by his masters. Mallard’s gone, deo gratias, and Grant Robertson also, who will toddle off to assume the Chancellorship of Otago University on 1st July in spite of his propensity to accrue large deficits wherever he lands.

Still there. Cartoon credit BoomSlang.

Remember during the evil years of COVID how all members of all the parties in our government lurked behind the windows during the Protest on parliament grounds, watching the black-suited baton-wielding thugs beating their constituents, and not one of them said or did anything. Except for Winston. Then Mallard trespassed him and now Mallard is sitting in Dublin as New Zealand’s Ambassador Designate to Ireland as a reward for his reprehensible behaviour. Mallard has been in politics since 1984. What a life at our expense. What a reason for term limits! I hope Winston is making plans to bring him back to Wellington on the next DEI-built Boeing.

We now know the police had an exemption from the jab. We now know the government and their families also had blanket exemptions. And now we know there were 11,500 other people who had exemptions. And yet they still call us anti-vaxxers!

Who were these exempted people? Were they quarantined to protect themselves against contagion? I doubt it. Would they have been so enthusiastic about injecting a whole population with experimental mRNA if they themselves had been forced to take it? Of course not! Did you believe the theatre when Ardern and Hipkins rolled up their sleeves and maybe were, or maybe weren’t, injected with something or maybe nothing? Did you really believe they took a dose of mRNA into their bloodstream? More fool you if you did.

In what was once a wealthy country, these leaders have brought us to the brink of poverty and for what? They have devastated our world for the past forty years giving us no more than ruined economies, food shortages, unaffordable energy costs, unaffordable living costs, a huge debt, a recession and a phenomenal number of immigrants and refugees brought in from foreign cultures and foisted upon our nation without preparation of housing or infrastructure. Yet they give themselves regular financial increases at the taxpayers’ expense and say it is decided by the Higher Salaries’ Commission about which they can do nothing, which is very odd since the Government itself instituted that very Commission one dark night in 1977 and could uninstitute it just as easily. This Commission’s rulings also apply to the judiciary, CEOs and local government as well. You, if you are lucky enough to own your home and pay rates, are the sucker at the wrong end of the tit. For sheer front, these people put a hard-working professional highwayman in the shade.

Now the alphabet agencies are preparing to implement a new scheme in 2025. The Covid pandemic was so profitable they want to do it again. Gossip has it these truly dreadful people will target the children this time. Are you going to fall for it like you did the last one? Stop believing that the WHO or the Government has your best interests at heart and face the truth. They don’t. Covid was all about money and the next pandemic – if we let it happen – will cost us much more.
